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What's new

Since being first available towards the latter half of 2003 with the "first edition" having been published on the web by late Feburary of 2004, updates to the Utah Rare Plant Guide continue. Funded in part by BLM grants in 2003, work continues on the guide on a volunteer basis by the Utah Native Plant Society primarily to add pictures and drawings for taxa that were not previously available and to update the guide as appropriate for taxa previously missed, to make text changes, taxonomic changes, etc.
New in 2025
2/2/25: Updating the NatureServe status of Phacelia sabulonum.
3/7/25: New map, distribution, and other updates with respect to Carex specuicola.

New in 2024
5/24/24: Frasera ackermaniae flowering time update, slight lower elevation change, reference to two occurrences (rather than one), and additional pictures taken in early July of 2017.
6/7/24: Removing Thelesperma pubescens var. caespitosum and Thelesperma pubescens var. pubescens (both of which occur in Wyoming but not in Utah) and replacing with T. subnudum var. maliterrimum (this is the Uinta or Tavaputs Greenthread) named in 2008 by Welsh and Atwood, and recognized by POWO. This is consistent with the rare plant master list as well where this change was previously made.
6/8/24: Various updates regarding Sphaeralcea janeae (while synonymized under S. leptophylla by FNA, is considered a valid taxon by POWO and, regardless of that, appears to be morphologically distinct at some level and requires field observations in part to understand those differences); G-rank and other updates.
7/11/24: Adding Chloropyron maritimum subsp. parryi (S. Watson) J.M.Egger to the master list (which can also be validly treated as Chloropyron maritimum var. parryi (S. Watson) Tiehm).
11/18/24: Updating ranks on the URPG list as well as the rare plant spreadsheet list for Eriogonum pharnaceoides var. cervinum (NatureServe rank was updated 3/1/24) and also referencing the Fall 2024 Sego Lily article with respect to this species.
12/1/24: Adding and updating NatureServe ranks for Salix arizonica and adding comments including a link to recently published research in the master list.
12/9/24: Provisionally adding the newly described Pyrrocoma wyethiana Goodrich to the master list which is thought to be a local endemic restricted to Wasatch County. Adding the names Laphamia specicola and Laphamia stansburyi in connection with Perityle specicola and Perityle stansburyi, respectively. Updating the distribution for Astragalus barnebyi (syn. A. desperatus var. conspectus).

New in 2023
4/18/23: Draba maguirei subsp. stonei has finally been named and Draba maguirei "var." maguirei is now being treated as a subsp. (Windham et al., 2023). Originally it was thought that "var." stonei was going to be published in 2005. So,in 2003 a rare plant page was prepared and updated in 2004 with that expectation. However, when that did not occur, in 2010 the Draba maguirei page was updated to mention that there were two taxa involved and that there was a higher elevation "form" as well as a lower elevation form. The 2023 publication now finally allows us to separate the taxa and make corresponding updates.
4/23/23: More updates to the Draba maguirei subsp. stonei treatment.
7/12/23: The recently named Cirsium tukuhnikivatzicum (published June 23, 2023 by JR Ackerfield), endemic to the La Sal Mountains, has been added to the rare plant master list for future review.
7/21/23: Adding the 2023 Ackerfield (see above) reference to the acknowledgements page, Cirsium virginense comments updated on the species page plus on the master list (will be changed to Cirsium mohavense) which also references the 2023 Ackerfield publication where it is discussed, adding Erythranthe verbenacea to the master list, along with other updates to the master list.
7/24/23: Adding Summit Co. to the distribution of Spiranthes diluvialis.
8/7/23: Moving Corydalis caseana subsp. brachycarpa to the Papaveraceae family.
8/11/23: Opuntia basilaris var. heilii has again been validated as a taxon and has been moved along with var. longiareolata to the level of subspecies. Taxonomy changes have therefore been made to the rare plant list for all three O. basilaris that occur in Utah plus some county distribution and other updates. See https://doi.org/10.3390/plants12142677. Full names with authors: Opuntia basilaris subsp. heilii (S.L.Welsh & Neese) Majure and Opuntia basilaris subsp. longiareolata (Clover & Jotter) Majure.
8/28/23: Replacement pictures for Astragalus equisolensis (treated elsewhere as Astragalus desperatus var. neeseae).
9/4/23: Updates to Penstemon navajoa (elevation range, distribution, description, new comments on the drawing).
9/14/23: Additional updates to Penstemon navajoa since recent research indicates that the species does not occur in Elk Ridge nor in the Abajo Mountains as previously thought (Mikel Stevens, pers. comm., 9/14/23). Remains a Navajo Mtn endemic.
11/04/23: Adding comments to the master list regarding Yucca schidigera which is peripherally rare in Utah and in danger of being extirpated from the state with very few known remaining plants (and its pollinator may no longer be present in Utah). Impacted by wildfires and collecting.
11/22/23: Adding Lewisia maguirei to the master list. Known so far from only one county in Utah; previously known from four counties in adjoining Nevada.
12/16/23: Comments added re: Senecio fremontii var. inexpectatus to the master list in light of a recent research report by Meinzen (2023 - see the acknowledgements page). Flowering period may continue into October in some locations and this has been added; photographs have also been updated and added to the on-line treatment. A synonym has also been added. Research shows that the species mainly requires outcrossing (but initially appears to also be at least somewhat self-compatible). Initial research also suggests that the conservation of alpine pollinators will likely be essential to the survival of the species. Introduced mountain goats are continuing to have an impact on the species but in varying degrees depending on location. There is also a question as to whether this same taxon does in fact occur in Colorado since descriptions and photos of the plant there are not thought to be in close alignment with the plants of the La Sal Mtns.

New in 2022
1/13/22 Status changes for Penstemon grahamii and P. albifluvis (no longer candidates for listing)
1/26/22 Escobaria taxonomic and distribution updates.
4/22/22 Phacelia howelliana added (missed previously?) to master list for future review
5/2/22: Comments re: C. greggii var. franklinii (which is being treated as C. pauciflorus but seems worthy of recognition at some level) and Cirsium virginense (which appears to be a separate entity after all based on newer research)
5/3/22: Sclerocactus brevispinus was proposed for an upgraded status to LE (ESA listed as endangered); 12 years later, that finding has now been withdrawn and it will stay listed as threatened. Status comments updated.
5/3/22: Changing C. greggii var. franklinii to C. franklinii, updated description and map.
6/14/22: Oreoxis trotteri updated elevation, county distribution (including new map) and land ownership information, based in part on collections from the 1980's by Elizabeth Neese and Ben Franklin, and in 2009 by Noel Holmgren, that place it in Garfield Co. and at much higher elevation, plus a new report from San Juan Co. (Dark Canyon wilderness). Also being treated under Cymopterus.
8/10/22: Cymopterus jonesii NatureServe rank added, probably best treated as a species (change not yet made); comments added to the master list re: new potential impacts east of Beaver (Beaver Bench EA); species only occurs in three counties in Utah; comments added re: Senecio fremontii var. inexpectatus which has been treated at the species level (Nesom, 2019) and appears to have a downward trend in the La Sals.
11/7/22: Boechera duchesnensis updates (new parental species, additional picture). Based on a July 2022 publication (Windham 2022), this taxon is again being treated as a Uinta Basin endemic (contrary to the FNA treatment, but never changed here). It does not occur in Colorado and New Mexico nor outside of the Uinta Basin within Utah.
11/29/22: Mentzelia librina status and other changes

New in 2021
1/29/21: Updating map and adding pictures for Cycladenia humilis var. jonesii; adding Arctomecon humilis fruit/seed pictures.
3/5/21: Adding Isocoma humilis to the species page list (has been included on the rare plant committee's master list for quite some time with additional comments added in 2020)
3/6/21: Various changes/updates to the master list including updating newer names for species historically recognized as Camissonia based on Wagner et al (2007) as well as adding some of those names to the main species page.
12/7/21: Ongoing updates to the master list plus updating Calochortus ciscoensis to indicate that is also occurs in Colorado's Garfield Co. and some minor additions to the comments.
12/18/21: Adding Eurybia kingii (and varieties) as synonyms for Aster kingii var. kingii and Aster kingii var. barneybana, both of which will be getting moved to Eurybia. Noting also that Eurybia kingii var. kingii can also occur in quartzite cracks and crevices.

New in 2020
2/28/20: Adding an entry for Aquilegia scopulorum var. goodrichii that was named within the 3rd edition of the A Utah Flora series in 2003. Updated species reports. New comments added to the Utah Rare Plant Master List.
3/3/20: Adding J. Brunson pictures for Phacelia argylensis and updating master list re: various rare plants discussed at URPM 2020.
3/4/20: Making some long overdue changes to Phacelia argillacea, new map, updated elevation range, updated comments and additional pictures.
4/20/20: Updating taxonomy for A. sabulosus varieties as separate species (A. vehiculus raised to species in Welsh et al, 2015) and updating the comments for A. sabulosus, A. vehiculus, and A. iselyi; adding pictures for A. vehiculus and some changes to the text related to it drawings (flower color was described as "white" until Welsh, 2015; they are known to be at least sometimes pinkish-white in early anthesis fading to yellow-white as they mature unlike A. sabulosus, among other differences).
6/23/20 (and prior): Numerous updates have been made to the current (2016-2020) UNPS Utah Rare Plant Master List with asterisks to identify taxa to be discussed at the next rare plant review meeting, including adding the taxon below and also other species potentially threatened by the Lake Powell Pipeline project.
6/24/20: Preliminarily adding Pediocactus peeblesianus subsp. fickeiseniae to the guide for the first time which has been confirmed for Utah and which increases the number of species listed under the Endangered Species Act that occur in Utah. The plant is currently listed as "var. fickeiseniae" which will soon change to "subsp. fickeiseniae" as treated by FNA. We are mindful of the Intermountain Flora (Holmgren NH et al, 2012, Vol. 2A) treatment however based on our own investigation, we strongly suspect that Backeberg's 1961 publication was (along with the 1960 publication) invalid (for reasons that were in part documented by the late Dr. Lyman Benson*) which is the basis for "fickeiseniorum." Background information relating to this taxon: https://www.fws.gov/species/fickeisens-pediocactus-pediocactus-peeblesianus-var-fickeiseniae. *See pages 23-24 in The Cacti of Arizona (revised, third edition), 1977.
7/27/20: New upper range limit for Viola frank-smithii plus additional picture
10/28/20: The recently described Heterotheca postpetrinis Nesom has been added to the Utah Rare Plant Master List (without any ranking attempt; need data); other comments/updates have been periodically made to the master list to identify taxa that need to be reviewed when the rare plant committee next meets.

New in 2019
3/12/19: Taxonomy update re: Eriogonum natum, expanding its elevation range and other text updates, updated map, and adding additional pictures
10/19/19: Update taxonomy of White River Penstemon which recent research indicates should be recognized back at the species level (Penstemon albifluvis) rather than as a variety of P. scariosus. Also update its distribution including map, and add two new pictures. Its occurrence in Grand Co. has been known since 1983 (based on a 1967 collection) but that is a county that has been missed in our floras (until 2017).
10/29/19: Adding additional pictures re: Platanthera zothecina.
11/4/19: Adding Phacelia argylensis to the guide for the first time including a drawing by April Jensen that was previously commissioned specifically for use here; more pictures to be added later.
11/24/19: UNPS priority conservation rankings changed for the following as a result of the most recent meeting:
Phacelia argylensis High to ExHigh
Mentzelia goodrichii High to ExHigh
Eriogonum natum Need data to High
Astragalus equisolensis High to Watch
11/24/19 Fairly extensive changes/comments/etc. made to the UNPS Rare Plant Master List spreadsheet (see the rare plants page).

New in 2018
01/26/18: Adding Grand Co. to the distribution of Sphaeralcea janeae and related distribution information plus add a replacement map. A 2005 specimen taken from Grand Canyon assigned initially to this taxon was in 2011 annotated by the collector to be S. leptophylla. As of early 2018, S. janeae has threats relating to the Paradox Basin Lithium projects.
2/10/18: Adding Solidago gigantea and some initial comments to the rare plant master list
2/13/18: Adding Mentzelia memorabilis, Phacelia hughesii, and Tetradymia canescens var. thorneae to the rare plant committee spreadsheet with preliminary comments
3/07/18: Adding pictures and new maps for both Astragalus ampullarioides and for A. holmgreniorum; elevation range expansion and ownership addition for A. ampullarioides.
3/09/18: The following three taxa have been moved from Arabis to Boechera:

Boechera falcatoria
Boechera schistacea
Boechera vivariensis

A new map has been prepared for each along with updated distribution and other information, and UNPS and NS ranks updated.
6/21/18: Comments added with respect to Trifolium variegatum var. parunuweapensis which will be treated in FNA as T. mucronatum subsp. lacerum.
10/18/18: Updating the the ESA status of Astragalus desereticus and updating the federal status counts.
10/23/18: Adding Wasatch Co. to the distribution of Angelica wheeleri plus updated map; adding Wasatch Co. to the distribution of Cypripedium fasciculatum, removing the question mark after Summit Co. and updated map; adding Morgan and Wasatch Cos. to the distribution of Boechera lasiocarpa plus updated map and additional pictures.
10/24/18: Adding also Tooele Co. to the distribution of Boechera lasiocarpa based on a 2016 USU thesis, citation:
Schilling, Martin Peter, "Hybridization, population genetic structure and gene expression in the genus Boechera" (2016). All Graduate Theses and Dissertations. 5192. https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/etd/5192
10/27/18: Removing Emery (?) from Mentzelia shultziorum, description changes, updated map
11/8/18: More pictures added re: Mentzelia shultziorum
11/21/18: Change Caesalpinia repens to Hoffmannseggia repens (see the 2006 "A Synopsis of the Genus Hoffmannseggia"), updated map, additional pictures
12/6/18: Additional drawings and information added re: Mentzelia shultziorum based on research materials provided by Dr. Barry Prigge (with thanks!)
12/19/18: Change in ESA candidate status for Lepidium ostleri, Eriogonum soredium and Trifolium friscanum (i.e. status withdrawn based on a 12 month finding published today - they had been formally designated as candidates for listing since Feb. 2011).

New in 2017
10/19/17: New map, additional pictures, updating UNPS status for Heterotheca jonesii.
10/22/17: Scientific name change for Astragalus argophyllus var. stocksii (previously treated as Astragalus henrimontanensis), updated map and description; also common name should be "Dayna's (not Dana's or Dana) milkvetch" as previously widely misspelled.
10/22/17: Updating ranks for various Astragalus taxa

NatureServe ranks (also UNPS ranks in a few cases) added for:

Astragalus argophyllus var. stocksii
Astragalus jejunus var. jejunus
Astragalus kelseyae
Astragalus lentiginosus var. pohlii
Astragalus oophorus var. lonchocalyx

UNPS ranks added for:

Astragalus ampullarius
Astragalus consobrinus
Astragalus cronquistii
12/21/17: Preliminary addition of the recently described Terraria haydenii with a preliminary UNPS ranking; updating the NatureServe rank from G2 to G3 for Erigeron proselyticus (which, per Nesom 2016 should be retained at the species level) and adding its latest corresponding rare plant committee ranking; several taxa included in the most recent Calochortiana will need to be reevaluated in light of Nesom (2016) including Erigeron ursinus var. meyerae (possible drop) and E. vagus var. madsenii (possible drop); Nesom (2016) meanwhile has tentatively confirmed the taxonomic status of Erigeron katiae and states ". . . it seems unusually rare, inviting further study of its evolutionary status" and so it has been added here in hopes that it will receive greater recognition even though it is in a "need data" status, and has not yet been added to NatureServe; adding also the recently published Descurainia browniae which appears to be quite rare and restricted, not yet ranked.
12/22/17: ading UNPS Rare Plant Master list
12/23/17: adding Welsh and Thorne (1979) plus Welsh and Atwood (2012) references (see acknowledgements).

New in 2016
4/16/16: Adding Garfield Co. (known since at least 1983) for the distribution of Astragalus harrisonii, adjustments to elevation range, add Barneby herbarium cropped image, and updated map. Reports of this taxon in Kane Co. appear to be database input errors and represent Garfield Co. occurrences.
5/25/16: Adding Calochortiana journal links including to the latest May 2016 journal article published on this date and new table of exH, High and Total since 2009, when a new ranking approach was utilized
6/11/16: Updates to Penstemon duchesnensis (update rank from Watch to High, additional pictures) and Penstemon caespitosus var. suffruticosus, syn. P. tusharensis (add two new counties plus NV in distribution, new lower elevation limit, additional habitat type, updated map, add UNPS ranking).
7/12/16: Frasera ackermaniae status changed from High to Extremely high (see May 2016 Calochortiana Num 3)
7/19/16: Add Wah Wah Mtns to distribution of Trifolium friscanum based on Franklin (2005) as well as recent (summer 2016) UNHP field surveys, widen known elevation range, updated map, and add D. Roth pictures.
9/26/16: Various and extensive updates to change ranks (with more to come) based on Calochortiana Num. 3 as follows:
Adding to the guide for the first time:

Erigeron goodrichii
Cypripedium parviflorum var. pubescens (referenced in Calochortiana as C. calceolus var. parviflorum)
Draba inexpectata
Oenothera cespitosavar. stellae (referenced as "caespitosa" in Calochortiana, an orthographic variant)
Oreoxis bakeri
Potentilla paucijuga
Townsendia goodrichii
Viola beckwithii

Adding ranks that were previously blank or in the need data or need review categories:

Arabis beckwithii (now Boechera puberula)
Asplenium adiantum-nigrum
Boechera duchesnensis
Boechera lasiocarpa
Botrychium lineare
Calochortus ciscoensis
Camissonia bairdii
Camissonia exilis
Camissonia gouldii
Castilleja aquariensis
Castilleja atwoodii
Cypripedium fasciculatum
Ericameria zionis (syn Haplopappus zionis)
Erigeron garrettii
Erigeron mancus
Eriogonum ostlundii
Eriogeron radicatus (syn. E. huberi)
Mentzelia goodrichii
Mentzelia shultziorum
Oenothera murdockii
Penstemon ammophilus
Penstemon compactus
Penstemon idahoensis
Penstemon goodrichii
Penstemon pinorum
Penstemon tidestromii
Penstemon wardii
Perityle specuicola
Podistera eastwoodiae
Potentilla angelliae
Potentilla cottamii
Sphaeromeria ruthiae
Stephanomeria tenuifolia var. uintaensis
Talinum thompsonii (now Phemeranthus thompsonii)
Thelesperma windhamii (now Thelesperma subnudum var. alpinum)
Townsendia montana var. caelilinensis
Viguiera soliceps (now Heliomeris soliceps)
Xylorhiza cronquistii
Xylorhiza glabriuscula var. linearifolia

Rank changes made for:

Castilleja parvula
Draba kassii
Hackelia ibapensis
Ipomopsis spicata subsp. tridactyla

10/20/16: Update land ownership/distribution, elevation ranges, and add new map for Ranunculus aestivalis.
10/26/16: Candidate species count has increased from 3 to 5 as a result of a 10/25/16 court decision. More information. Updating Penstemon grahamii and P. scariosus var. albifluvis G-rank/ESA status columns.

New in 2015
1/09/15: adding Astragalus kelseyae (table reference only) including UNPS rank, changing the rank of Frasera ackermaniae from Not Rated to High and updating the status of Eriogonum mitophyllum from High to Extremely High based on the latest rare plant review. Also adding a note and an "Excluded" status with respect to Lygodesmia grandiflora var. doloresensis. Ranks added/changed for mainly taxa that had been assigned exH to reconcile status with latest draft UNPS rare plant committee list. Penstemon flowersii remains at an exH level and has oil drilling threats and a downward trend. Sclerocatus blainei, added for the first time last year, remains at exH. While Phacelia cronquistiana remains for now as High, its populations need to be surveyed and if they are suffering ATV disturbance, it will be ranked higher. Two other Sclerocacti may also be ranked higher. As of now, total with an exH status: 37.
1/10/15: Taxonomy changes: Gilia tridactyla changed to Ipomopsis spicata subsp. tridactyla and Gilia latifolia var. imperialis changed to Aliciella latifolia subsp. imperialis and related synonymy changes; update to the maps for both, and additional picture and drawing for each respectively.
1/19/15: Senecio fremontii var. inexpectatus status changed from Watch to High; notations made re: intended change from Senecio to Packera for three other taxa (but not S. fremontii)
1/29/15: Updating the map for Lomatium latilobum and adding pictures; at first there appeared to be an additional county that needed to be added for this taxon based on a 1994 Janet Cooper specimen from the Box Hollow wilderness in Garfield County, farther south and some 100+ miles west of the known distribution in Utah. Upon closer look, it appears that specimen is likely Aletes macdougalii (syn. Cymopterus macdougalii) which is known from Garfield Co.
2/6/15: Adding some comments on the main species page to indicate that the two varieties of Cymopterus acaulis listed there are in taxonomic limbo along with a citation to the Sun (2005) article on the acknowledgments page.
2/10/15: Adding quadnomials re: the two Jamesia americana taxa listed on the main rare plants page to cross-reference those.
3/6/15: Adding Colorado distribution for Astragalus musiniensis, new map, and additional pictures (however had a Low status in 2013 and is no longer being carried on the official UNPS rare plant list in 2015)
3/26/15: Adding pictures and also editing flowering time for Astragalus sabulosus var. vehiculus and indicating that it has been raised to the species level in Utah Flora (5th edition, 2015) and updating the acknowledgements page to include the 5th ed. Also adding replacement habitat and new closeup pictures for Astragalus iselyi.
3/27/15: Adding pictures for Astragalus sabulosus var. sabulosus.
3/28/15: Adding drawing for Astragalus pubentissimus var. peabodianus, pictures, text revisions, updated map, adding Uinta Flora 2014 reference; also add replacement and additional pictures for Penstemon grahamii and Penstemon scariosus var. albifluvis.
5/15/15: Updating the known distribution of Musinenon lineare to include Box Elder Co. and also in adjoining Idaho, including updated map. A specimen reported from central Wyoming appears to belong to a different species.
6/5/15: Adding additional closeup picture of Frasera ackermaniae to illustrate the blue corolla flecks (although the corolla can be quite variable, from almost or completely lacking any flecks, to being overall bluish rather than white, or being somewhat flecked to fully streaked with the blue flecks); also update synonymy.
8/20/15: Changing common name on main species page for Sclerocactus wrightiae to "Wright's little barrel cactus" and also adding additional references to the acknowledgments page and updating all of the citations to a consistent CSE style (mainly relating to how authors are listed).
10/8/15: Astragalus anserinus has lost its candidate status, updating those details on the main species page including updating the tally of species with a federal status.

New in 2014
3/05/14: updating the status of Penstemon flowersii from High to Extremely High based on a review made on March 3, 2014 and relating to observations of habitat losses on private lands. Also removing the prior provisional inclusion of Eriogonum corymbosum var. nilesii (Las Vegas buckwheat) from the list which as presently understood does not occur in Utah (and in fact solely occurs in a limited area in Nevada's Clark and Lincoln Cos.). Previously it was thought to occur in Washington Co. (and possibly also Kane Co. - in IF Vol. 2A published in 2012, on p. 272 Reveal indicates that he now regards the Kane Co. plants as var. glutinosum) based on 2010 field work/observations. However, recent genetics work by Mark Ellis (Utah State University) which was the subject of a talk at the March 4, 2014 Utah Rare Plant Meeting held at Red Butte Garden (University of Utah campus, Salt Lake City, Utah) indicates that Utah materials previously though to be var. nilesii are either var. aureum or are outlying hybrids of var. aureum and var. nilesii (Ft. Pierce and probably also Warner Ridge/Valley areas). At the same time, while removing this hybrid entity, this doesn't mean these plants should be given no attention and simply written off. They have a limited distribution and have scientific value and are of conservation concern but currently there is no mechanism for tracking rare elements of this nature.
5/13/14: updating status, improving map, adding Sarah Topp pictures, other text changes including adding synonymy for the first time for Oreoxis trotteri. Cronquist in Vol. 3A of the Intermountain Flora series moved this taxon into Cymopterus however it was updated in 2010 by the Flora of North America Expertise Network and it is back to Orexois as initially named and Cymopterus trotteri is considered a synonym, and also removing NPS reference with respect to land ownership/management.
5/13/14: updating map and adding Ben Franklin closeup in connection with Astragalus iselyi.
5/14/14: updating map and removing NPS land ownership/management with respect to Astragalus sabulosus var. sabulosus.
5/16/14: adding replacement drawing for Sclerocactus wetlandicus by Andrea Wright and also updating its map, comments, elevation range and other changes
5/22/14: adding Elizabeth Neese picture (scanned from a slide provided by Susan White in March of 2014) taken probably on June 23, 1977 (processed July 1977), updating map, elevation range and comments for Lepidium montanum var. neeseae.
5/22/14: adding Elizabeth Neese picture (scanned from a slide provided by Susan White in March of 2014) taken probably in May or June of 1977 (processed June 1977), enhancments to existing closeups, and updating map for Townsendia aprica.
5/29/14: elevation/flowering period for Sclerocactus brevispinus previously missed, added
5/29/14: addition of Sclerocactus blainei to the guide; this is a lowland species that is experiencing high impacts to its few known locations and is of very high conservation concern; the information being published here is the first time much of this information has ever been reported for Utah with respect to this taxon
5/30/14: adding additional pictures and revised/updated information throughout for S. blainei and also adding a supplemental ("More" link) document.
8/01/14: Sclerocactus blainei has been reevaluated and ranked as of "extremely high" priority.
12/16/14: Adding additional closeup historic picture of Astragalus perianus taken in 1977 by Duane Atwood, updating the map, and common name and prior picture enhancements, UNPS rank added.

New in 2013
2/27/13: updating text and map for Spiranthes diluvialis to include Cache Co. in its distribution, and some additional comments added.
3/6/13: Adding pictures for Astragalus montii, Ceanothus greggii var. franklinii, Sphaeralcea caespitosa var. caespitosa and Penstemon petiolatus. (PDF's not yet updated for these.)
7/3/13: Adding picture and updating map for Ivesia shockleyi var. ostleri.
8/13/13: Per Federal Register today, Sphaeralcea gierischii is now federally listed as endangered.
10/3/13: Adding comment about late season Sphaeralcea gierischii flowering, depending upon moisture, based on observations made in the field by Rita Reisor of Red Butte Garden on 10/2/13 (plants were in flower).

New in 2012
1/25/12: Updated map, PDF for Penstemon navajoa.
2/17/12: Updated map, text updates and pictures previously added on 5/28/10 but not previously placed on-line, and make required name change as well for Pediocactus winkleri. Long known and published as Pediocactus winkleri, it was confirmed in a phone conversation today with botanist Kenneth D. Heil, its author, that his intention was to honor Mrs. Agnes Winkler. She and her son were vacationing in the vicinity of Capitol Reef in the early 1960's. They stopped for lunch, and observed the cactus. Upon returning to Albuquerque, she sent Mr. Heil of San Juan College a letter with a picture of the cactus and described its habitat. While based out of New Mexico, Mr. Heil had started to undertake botanical investigations in southern Utah including Canyonlands, Capitol Reef and the San Rafael Swell, and in a subsequent botanical investigation in the area described by Mrs. Winkler, Mr. Heil located a population of the cactus and subsequently named it in 1979. Because the intent was not clear in the original publication, a formal committee request may be needed to change the name to winklerae
2/17/12: Updated map, text incl. elevation ranges, additional Kaye Thorne drawing, and text change added with respect to Pediocactus despainii.
2/17/12: Add April Jensen's 2011 sketch of Frasera ackermaniae to the guide, first illustration of the species.
2/17/12: Calochortus ciscoensis makes its first appearance in the guide, includes April Jensen's illustration, first illustration of the species, and expands on the previously described description and range of the species as presently understood.
2/18/12: Add Pediocactus winkleri vs. Pediocactus despainii comparison.
2/18/12: Add Fay-Wei Li pictures in connection with Boechera duchesnensis.
2/18/12: Add Sherel Goodrich pictures with respect to Yucca sterilis.
2/18/12: Add Kim Anderson pictures and map/elevation updates in connection with Phacelia pulchella var. atwoodii.
2/21/12: Text, other changes re: Phacelia cronquistiana and Phacelia pulchella var. atwoodii
3/6/12: Add Daniela Roth pictures, update map, some text changes for Phacelia indecora; appears it might also occur in adjoining New Mexico.
3/9/12: Further updates to Phacelia indecora. Thanks to current and former Navajo Natural Heritage Program botanists Andrea Hazelton and Daniela Roth, respectively, it has been determined that P. indecora has not been located in New Mexico, nor has it been located to date on Navajo Nation Lands. It has been located in the Glen Canyon NRA per Roth 1844 5-31-2005 at the NNHP herbarium.
4/5/12: Add drawing of Phacelia sabulonum by April Jensen (first illustration of the species - it was treated at the varietal level in IF Vol. 4 but was not illustrated); also Walt Fertig pictures added along with updated elevation and distribution information plus updated map.
7/30/12: Additional closeup and habitat pictures of Cystopteris utahensis, formatting changes, replacement map.
8/2/12: Update the distribution, elevation range, and flowering time plus add new/additional pictures for Spiranthes diluvialis, and add the 2005 Fertig, Black and Wolken report to the acknowledgements section.
8/9/12: Additional comments and drawing annotations with respect to Cystopteris utahensis; remove some of the prior pictures from Zion since the color of the leaves was not representative, and the Zion plants previously included may have been the more common C. tenuis (the input and review of Steve McKee is gratefully acknowledged).
10/17/12: Slight lower elevation adjustment and changes to the comments with respect to Sphaeralcea gierischii and some adjustments/additions to the diagram and the pictures.
11/27/12: Removing one of the closeup images of P. indecora. New images were added in March of 2012 for this species however one of them was retained that had previously been used on the guide going back to probably 2003. That picture was of a plant that occurred in the same general area and was something in the P. crenulata complex and was not P. indecora. In review of the illustration for this species, the leaves are not a good match to those of the picture and were only described by Howell in 1943 as elliptic-oblong. Investigation is continuing as to whether the leaves of P. indecora include an undescribed character, i.e. as being often lobed and not necessarily entire, or whether the closeup might show some effect of hybridization.
12/10/12: Adding additional pictures for Sclerocactus brevispinus, improved map, PDF was missing latest content/updated; also added additional pictures and updated map for Petalonyx parryi.

New in 2011
1/8/11: The recently named Frasera ackermaniae requires a correction to its specific epithet pursuant to ICBN Art. 60.11 and which has been made; map and other updates to Erigeron carringtoniae and Erigeron untermannii (despite FNA treatment, continues to appear reasonable to treat E. carringtoniae as a separate entity and until DNA work is undertaken, and also in light of Welsh (2008)); blue book errata page updated re: E. carringtoniae, more references added to the acknowledgement page, Dodecatheon dentatum var. utahense changed to D. utahense with map, text, photo changes/updates
1/19/11: Updating the ESA status of Erigeron maguirei which will become a delisted species as of Feb. 18, 2011 and related changes
2/20/11: Change Castilleja parvula var. parvula to C. parvula and C. parvula var. revealii to C. revealii and related text changes. Additional pictures added for C. revealii and for Penstemon bracteatus. Updated maps for all three as well as updates to G-ranks and UNPS priority status.
4/7/11: Additional main page pictures added re: Sphaeralcea gierischii.
4/19/11: Add Grand (barely occurs in western Grand Co.) and San Juan (see Holmgren collections at NYBG) counties to the distribution of Sphaeralcea psoraloides, new map, plus some extended elevation and flowering times.
4/21/11: Add Draba santaquinensis to the guide, and add April Jensen drawing and other changes/additions re: Draba brachstylis
6/10/11: As of 6/9/11, Penstemon grahamii ESA status restored to PT (Proposed Threatened).
8/4/11: Removing Colorado in the distribution of Astragalus hamiltonii per information received from the Colorado Natural Heritage Program; updating map, description, and new pictures.
10/21/11: Updating distribution map and adding Arizona to the distribution of Epilobium nevadense based in part on:
Christie, K., G. Rink and T. Ayers 2011. Additions to the flora of Grand Canyon National Park resulting from national vegetation mapping program fieldwork. Canotia 7:41-53.

New in 2010
3/9/10: Arabis pulchra var. duchesnensis changed to Boechera duchesnensis
3/30/10: Closeup and matching habitat shots from Daniela Roth added for Penstemon navajoa
3/30/10: New Navajo Natural Heritage Program and SEINet links
3/31/10: Phlox cluteana habitat shot added, status, closeup/flower images added to main page.
4/16/10: Various UNPS priority status updates.
4/18/10: Blake Wellard Boechera lasiocarpa pictures added, and some changes to description, and pictures relating to Selaginella utahensis and some additional comments.
4/22/10: Finally adding Maria Ulloa pictures and updated information for Ericameria lignumviridis (syn. Haplopappus lignumviridis) taken and obtained in September of 2007; E. lignumviridis is not a riparian species as reported elsewhere; these are likely some of the first digital pictures ever published in connection with this species, and the first publication to indicate the true nature of the habitat of the species.
4/23/10: Adding new listing for Eriogonum mitophyllum and Maria Ulloa pictures from Sept. 2007.
4/23/10: Corrections to elevation ranges for Sclerocactus wrightiae and new comments section to better distinguish its unique characters from Sclerocactus parviflorus (our most common Sclerocactus)
4/23/10: Further additions/changes to Boechera duchesnensis
4/23/10: Add Walt Fertig pic for Camissonia atwoodii and related closeups
4/24/10: Adding replacement Fertig pic for Asclepias welshii and related changes
4/24/10: Adding April Jensen 2007 drawing re: Boechera lasiocarpa and outline of a portion of a specimen photographed with permission at Garrett Herbarium last fall; updated PDF for this species and over the past several days of a number of things (PDF option updates for many other taxa will be made in due course - a new approach to provide higher resolution images has been developed however this means we will have to go through every single listing and re-generate them and so it will tend to be the things we are working on at the time where the PDF's will be updated first); this now completes B. lasiocarpa except that no explanatory verbiage has been added to the drawing and as an expediency to adding this drawing and about 18 others that were also drawn by April Jensen and mainly in 2007, these also will be added initially without additional text to get them on-line. Many of these (although not B. lasciocarpa) will represent the first ever published illustrations.
4/27/10: More Ericameria lignumviridis changes (elevation, habitat)
5/1/10: More/better pictures re: Arctomecon humilis and also the related digitization of some slides taken during the 1988 production of the UNPS "To Save a Species: Dwarf Bearclaw Poppy" filmstrip (see http://www.unps.org/poppy/history.html).
5/10/10: More pictures of Sclerocactus wetlandicus and S. wrightiae, additions to S. wrightiae, remove reference to "purple" in flower color of S. wetlandicus (cacti do not have any blue pigments), new comparisions relating to S. wrightiae vs. S. parviflorus and re: S. brevispinus vs. S. glaucus vs. S. wetlandicus.
5/12/10: Adding more/replacement Pediocactus despainii pictures
5/12/10: New addition to the guide: Penstemon petiolatus
5/13/10: Add pictures and make some text changes relating to Lomatium latilobum; pictures received or located for three other taxa that were lacking and some additional pictures secured to be added soon
5/13/10: Walt Fertig pictures added for Cryptantha osterhoutii (previously we were lacking habitat and closeup), and also add Arizona to its distribution
5/26/10: We noticed that the flowering time for Pediocactus sileri that has carried over from the 1991 "blue book" was incorrect and this has been fixed, and some additional closeup pictures and text added. P. sileri is fairly early blooming typically starting by mid-March and continuing into late April (although in Utah not much past mid-April). Only in rare/unusual seasons might plants still be found blooming barely into May; in Arizona the most common flowering time is likely also in April with very few Arizona collections of this species with flowers taken in May (besides one on May 1, 1971, there are several May 16-17, 1978 flowering collections and perhaps 1978 was simply an exceptional year, and few if any others). The type specimen was taken by A.L. Siler in May of 1883 but it is not apparent whether the type was in flower. Few taxonomic nor other references comment on the flowering period for this species.
5/27/10 Yet more pics added for P. sileri. Gypsum cactus plants near the end of their flowering cycle in the unusual year of 2010 were still in bloom on 4/30/10 in Washington Co. UT and on 5/27/10 in Coconino Co. AZ.
6/2/10: Text changes relating to Astragalus piscator plus add Colorado pictures of this species courtesy of Peggy Lyon/CNHP.
6/14/10: Penstemon flowersii's small current federal ownership clarified, and adding a replacement habitat picture and more closeups.
7/28/10: Adding some expanded elevation ranges and soil types/descriptions for Draba kassii and Hackelia ibapensis based on:
Harris, J.G. 2010. First reports of Draba pennellii and Draba pedicellata (Cruciferae) in Utah, and new distribution records for Draba kassii, Draba novolympica, and Hackelia ibapensis (Boraginaceae). Western North American Naturalist 70(2):255-257.
7/29/10 Changing name of Habenaria zothecina which is now more widely recognized as Platanthera zothecina and adding synonym information and some additional comments, plus adding Kane and Wayne Co. to its distribution plus Emery was previously indicated as a question mark and is confirmed; Uintah Co. distribution remains a question; and updating the map (continuing thanks to Ben Franklin and to the Utah Natural Heritage Program for invaluable assistance with Utah locality information); adding some additional information concerning Arizona (where the species also occurs in southern Coconino Co. in addition to where indicated on the URPG page) and for Colorado. The species is a narrowly distributed endemic following the Colorado-Green river drainage system despite occurring in three different states.
8/1/10 Add with permission flower closeup and AZ hanging garden habitat pictures taken by Daniela Roth, then with the Navajo Natural Heritage Program, for Platanthera zothecina taken from 2001 species account.
8/2/10 Updates to elevational ranges and comments re: Jamesia americana var. zionis based in part on:
Holmgren, N.L. and P.K. Holmgren. 1989. A taxonomic study of Jamesia (Hydrangeaeceae). Brittonia 41(4): 335-350.
8/4/10 Updates to Jamesia americana var. macrocalyx based in part on Holmgren (1989) plus additional pictures and also range extension to Tooele Co. (but still in same known mtn range) added based on UVU accession no. 10989 by Harris; also new pictures and text changes relating to Lepidium montanum var. alpinum and adding UNPS priority status for the two Jamesia varieties.
8/5/10 Completing and implementing pages for Aster kingii var. kingii (seems best to leave this under Aster and follow instead A Utah Flora (Welsh et al, 2008, 4ed) but note that this is treated by FNA under the genus Herrickia and synonyms have been added accordingly; King's woody aster was included in the 1991 "blue book" and is now makes it first full appearance here; while it is known to occur very close to Wasatch Co., Wasatch Co. is not a confirmed location and the reference to Wasatch Co. on NatureServe is due to a software assumption and not a verified occurrence/observation; pictures were lacking for this taxon in the 1991 guide; the Kaye Thorne drawing is again used here and was scanned from this UNPS publication:
Utah Native Plant Society. 1981. Utah's colorful natives. Illustrations by Kaye Thorne. Text by Duane Atwood and Kaye Thorne. Salt Lake City, UT: Sun Lithographing Company. 8 pp. (unpaginated). Funded by UNPS, State Arboretum of Utah, University of Utah Lallapalooza, and Children's Art Discovery Project.
8/5/10 Updating the synonymy for Aster kingii var. barnebyana (a taxon that has been questioned but seems to be distinct) and updating the map and some comments
8/9/10 Move the two Lesquerella taxa to Physaria, adding back the "blue book" picture taken by Duane Atwood for P. garrettii, adding more pictures for P. tumulosa, replacing maps, synonym additions, elevation range and misc. changes
8/9/10 Ivesia utahensis changes re: elevation, habitat description and and distribution (incl. an additional county) and add/replace various pictures and replace/update map
8/10/10 Astragalus piscator pictures obtained in June from Sarah Topp added; prior pictures from Colorado retained for comparison (Colorado plant's flowers are pale lilac, Utah pics seem to show a plant with white flowers suffused with purple and red-purple keels; and while fruits are usually the much more critical character, flower characteristics are important too); closeup pictures and other updates also incorporated
8/11/10 Added upper elevation range of 10,500 (first being reported here; other sources have indicated a high of 2900 meters i.e. 9,500 ft) for Boechera lasiocarpa based on an observation made today by Blake Wellard on Little Cottonwood Canyon ridgelines (a small pocket of plants as is typical for this species, growing in general vicinity of Aster kingii var. kingii); also update map for this species to newer style
8/12/10 Adding preliminarily some additional synonym, variant (new section that will be used when needed) and FNA treatment comments for Stephanomeria tenuifolia var. uintaensis (which will probably be dropped from the guide in the near future) and Cirsium virginense (which will be retained but moved to Cirsium mohavense)
8/13/10 Removing a variety of Draba maguirei tentatively added here in 2004 that had been planned for publication in 2005 and so was referenced "in ed."; that publication has not occurred and therefore reference to that variety has been, for now, removed; meanwhile ultimately it is expected that Draba maguirei will be represented by upper and lower elevation taxa at varietal rank, and accordingly various related changes to D. maguirei text and incorporating pictures for lower elevation form; adding to D. burkei distribution and map replacement and minor text changes; correcting and completing synonyms for Primula maguirei and P. domensis
8/21/10 Updating the upper elevation range of Viola frank-smithii based on IF Vol. 2B (2005) as well as the flowering time (based also on NYBG specimens) and exposing a picture we had previously received permission to use plus adding additional comments
8/21/10 Adding closeup pic for Carex haysii and some text updates/changes (FNA treats as part of C. curatorum)
8/21/10 Adding replacment/additional pics for Viola clauseniana, elevation range/flowering time previously missing and added
8/21/10 Adding additional pics for Viola charlestonensis, elevation range/flowering times changed, distribution in other states updated.
8/21/10 Adding additional pics for Lepidium ostleri, newer map (same for others above)
8/22/10 Change text to indicate that the spur of V. frank-smithii is lime-colored (thanks to Frank "Buddy" Smith for that information; he also confirms that the plant is normally not found above 5,900 ft. elev. and is restricted to limestone crevices).
8/23/10 Astragalus desereticus elevation range changed to read "5,320-5,780" feet based on the work of Robert Fitts of the Utah Natural Heritage Program (and thanks to Ben Franklin of the UNHP for this information); previously the range was reported in this guide as 5,600 to 5,900 ft. based on Welsh (2008 and prior). Barneby in the Intermountain Flora Vol. 3B series reported the range as 1600 to 2000 m or about 5,250 to 6,560 ft. The range as reported by Welsh has been a few hundred feet too high on both ends, and the range as reported by Barneby was somewhat too low and also too high. An NYBG specimen reports an elevation of 5,000 ft which is inaccurate, and Neese specimens at 6,000 ft may have simply been rough estimates. Most of the plants are on sandy slopes east of (and which also adjoin) the highway and in a very narrow range of 5,400 to 5,700 ft range (the Fitts surveys however for the first time located plants west of the highway as well and hence an elevation of less than 5,400 ft); also additional/replacement pictures added for this federally listed species.
8/23/10 Sphaeraclea gierischii flowering times and elevation range information changes/additions; the overall range for the species in Utah and Arizona based on the best available information is roughly 750 m to 1300 m (2,475 ft to 4,265 ft); the lowest elevation for the species is in Utah and while NY Specimen ID 25023 (Thorne 3749 4/29/1985) from Utah reported an elev. of 732 meters (2,400 ft.), the Virgin River at that location is essentially at 2,450 ft. and based also on an April 30, 2005 field visit, the lowest elevation that plants were observed was 2,475 ft. (previously the guide indicated an elevation of "around 2400 ft." with no additional information); the upper limit of the elevation for the restricted range of this species where it occurs in Utah is 2,760 ft., the range beyond that involving plants that occur in adjacent Arizona; in Utah the flowering time is most typically mid to late April to early May (previously the guide did not provide any flowering period information).
8/23/10 Adding Robin A. Jess drawing of Penstemon petiolatus reproduced with permission of the publisher, The New York Botanical Garden (see acknowledgements section); drawing annotations to be added later.
8/24/10 Angelica wheeleri additional pictures, add two counties to distribution, changes to elevation range, newer map
8/28/10 Adding Bobbi Angell drawing of Physaria lepidota var. membranacea and related drawing text annotations, range/habitat description adjustments, replacement comments and map, acknowledgements.
8/29/10 Add (northwestern) Davis Co. to the distribution of Aster kingii var. kingii based on an observations made yesterday by Blake Wellard and documented with pictures and collections to be deposited at WSCO and UT; updated map.
8/30/10 Change the name of the federally listed Glaucocarpum suffrutescens to Schoenocrambe suffrutescens as treated by Welsh (2008 and prior) and by Holmgren (2005, Intermountain Flora Vol. 2B) and reference the FNA treatments, update synonyms, changes to elevation, comments, update map; synonym updates to S. argillacea and S. barnebyi in light of FNA Vol. 7 (we will also maintain under Schoenocrambe for now and as treated by two prominent and recent local floras) and map, elevation range, other updates.
8/31/10 Updates/addition to the references (on the acknowledgements page), add category for taxa not yet reviewed by the UNPS rare plant committee and begin to use it, some misc. minor taxonomic/variant updates to various species
9/1/10 Attempting to add some further clarification concerning references to the federally listed Schoenocrambe suffrutescens. This (along with S. barnebyi and S. argillacea) has to be one of the most frequently misspelled taxons in the Utah flora. The frequent misspelling of "Schoencrambe" [sic] may have begun with the appearance of Schoencrambe [sic] linifolia by Welsh & Reveal (1977) in an early treatment of the mustard family (see p. 349). When barnebyi and argillacea were switched from Thelypodiopsis to Schoenocrambe in 1982 by Rollins, they were accordingly moved by Welsh et al in the initial A Utah Flora in 1987 prior to which Welsh & Chatterley (1985) moved Glaucocarpum suffrutescens to Schoenocrambe suffrutescens but followed the previously used incorrect spelling of "Schoencrambe" (and not only that, also referred to it as "Schoenecrambe" in the abstract, plus referred to the prior genus name as "Glaucocarpon" instead of Glaucocarpum creating additional confusion) and then a generation of publications by various authors followed perpetuating the misspelling. Also, while federally listed under the genus Glaucocarpum, the FWS officially changed to Schoenocrambe in 1992 (see 57 FR 1398). Al-Shehbaz (2005) has since moved the three federally listed taxa to the genus Hesperidanthus which here has been referenced as a synonym until it receives more widespread and common use locally. Schoenocrambe linifolia, not a rare plant but perhaps the cause of all of the original misspellings, was moved back to Sisymbrium by Al-Shehbaz (2005) (as S. linifolium).
9/17/10 In light of a Holmgren & Holmgren 2010 Brittonia publication, add synonyms to Corydalis caseana subsp. brachycarpa and to Aquilegia loriae retaining the prior names used previously here (and per Welsh 2008) and updating the maps for both at the same time, and making some minor changes to the C. caseana subsp. brachycarpa elevation ranges. Until the other currently recognized subspecies of C. caseana are formally also designated as varieties, it seems prudent for the purpose of the guide to retain the subspecies designation and even though we would support this kind of change generally (i.e. the use of varieties over subspecies in plant taxonomy). Concerning A. loriae, changing it to a variety of A. micrantha may be appropriate but currently we cannot evaluate that change (the rationale was not provided in the 2010 publication) but which will presumably be contained in the future (2012?) publication of IF Vol. 2A. So for now we will indicate both as synonyms for these reasons and not because there is necessarily disagreement.
9/18/10 Changing Aquilegia formosa var. fosteri to A. fosteri per Welsh (2003 and 2008). Welsh notes that this species was annotated by A.T. Whitmore as belonging in some part to a look-alike species, A. desertorum (which however lacks glandular pubescence and occurs in northern Arizona and has not been indicated as occuring in Utah in local floras although FNA Vol. 3 indicates that it does barely extend into Utah). However, in FNA Vol. 3, fosteri is not mentioned under A. desertorum but it is discussed under A. formosa where it is indicated that "it has little in common with A. formosa and its relatives" but it is otherwise not treated nor synonymized. Much more study is indeed needed in this group, but treating this as a species and as per Welsh seems appears to be the only logical course of action; updated the map and also adding the April Jensen drawing previously completed in 2007 along with annotations, and changes to the comments.
9/18/10 Changing Eriogonum brevicaule var. loganum to E. loganum, and Eriogonum batemanii var. ostlundii to Eriogonum ostlundii as treated in FNA Vol. 5, and also making various habitat, elevation, drawing comments, distribution and technical comments which were provided by Dr. James Reveal in July of 2006 when he reviewed the Eriogonum entities then included in this guide (we are grateful for this and for other assistance Dr. Reveal has provided)
9/19/10 In adding some pictures by Dr. James L. Reveal with permission for the Logan buckwheat, learned that based on some more recent work by Dr. Reveal and Ben Grady that this taxon will be treated as a variety of brevicaule in the upcoming FNA Vol 2A (and this is also in accordance with treatments by Welsh) and so change the name back while adding the additional pictures.
9/20/10 Adding new taxonomy/description/scope section to the Introduction, some verbiage changes to the main species/taxa page; also in removing Rich Co. in the distribution of Eriogonum brevicaule var. loganum per confirmation from Dr. Reveal; based on NY 243212 (Thorne 3213 of 6/3/1983) add Box Elder Co. to the distribution and this also appears to be the lowest known elevation of this taxon so far; remove Franklin Co. ID since there do not appear to be confirmed observations or collections from there (although it is has been found very close to the UT-ID line; see the Feb. 2003 field report by Michael Mancuso of the Idaho Conservation Center indicating that it had not as of then been found in Idaho).
9/21/10 Adding (southern) Sanpete Co. to the distribution of Eriogonum ostlundii based on Franklin (2005) which in turn was based on field observation forms submitted by Lori Armstrong; other than in Franklin, Sanpete Co. has not previously been indicated as a county of distribution for this taxon in published floras.
9/22/10 Based on information provided by Dr. Leila Shulz, add comment to Schoenocrambe argillacea concerning a species that may be confused with this one, also add May 1979 photos by Dr. Shultz for S. argillacea and S. suffrutescens.
9/27/10 Add habitat shot and some additional closeups taken on 9/26/10 for Astragalus sabulosus var. vehiculus and make a slight downward adjustment to the low elevation based on an observed plant and update the map consistent with other more recent changes and update the PDF which had not previously been updated since 2004.
10/11/10 Add Colorado to the distribution of Senecio fremontii var. inexpectatus, add higher elevation range based on a Cronquist NYBG specimen and lower range based on FNA Vol. 20, update the map to better show its distribution, and add some variant information since the varietal name was misspelled in FNA Vol. 20 and that misspelling has been picked by Welsh et al (2008) and now others. The correct name and as named by Cronquist in Intermountain Flora Vol. 5 is inexpectatus.
10/18/10 Changing Swertia gypiscola to Frasera gypscicola not only because Frasera appears to be more widely accepted but also in preparation for the addition here of a new Utah rare plant species just published in the genus Frasera and therefore it would be inconsistent to retain the genus of gypsicola as Swertia. In the process review available on-line collections and updating elevation ranges and descriptions in based in part on Smith (2000); Utah's restricted range for this species is mainly at lower elevations than Nevada; Cronquist specimen #11838 is reported as 1700m (5,577 ft) but that elevation cannot be correct and was likely more like 5,050 ft. as there is little elevational variation where it is currently known in Utah; there are also early June flowering collections and a White Pine Co. NV specimen collected Aug. 17 in flower so the flowering time range has been updated, map updated, diagram re-proportioned and more annotations added; incorporating information also based on Fitts (2008).
10/21/10 Update Sphaeromeria capitata's distribution and elevation based on new information contained in Welsh (2008); map update.
10/26/10 Adding the newly described Frasera ackermanae with pictures previously provided by Sherel Goodrich.
11/28/10 Adding April Jensen drawing (2007, illustrated specifically for the URPG) of Dodecatheon pulchellum var. zionense and re-writing and updating the entire description and adding an additional picture
12/2/10 Coordinating some changes from the UNPS rare plant list (see Nov-Dec 2010 issue, p. 15): Carex specuicola, a listed species, has been upgraded from High to Ex-High; changed from Watch to High: Carex haysii, Erigeron kachinensis and Phacelia indecora ; changed from Medium to Watch: Penstemon navajoa; some other changes were made to taxa not yet listed here (but see the XLS list) on the species page; Mentzelia argillosa which was in the 1991 book but not previously in the guide has been added with a simple listing for now with more to come, and the status of all "extremely high" synchronized with the UNPS rare plant committee list; as of now there are 32 taxa with a priority designation of exH (extremely high)
12/4/10 Removed the globally rare Viola lithion because it has never been found in Utah (more explanation to follow) - it occurs as far as is known only in Nevada
12/4/10 Updated the map for Potentilla cottamii, added 2010 drawings from April Jensen for Yucca sterilis (never previously illustrated to our knowledge) Eriogonum mitophyllum (drawn in 2010), and a replacement drawing for Eriogonum brevicaule var. loganum (also drawn in 2010), along with the map updates to these pages and drawing annotations, etc.
12/6/10 Drawing annotations/comments added for Boechera lasiocarpa

New in 2009
5/11/09: Begin to integrate the UNPS priority conservation codes developed earlier this year by the UNPS Rare Plants committee, various changes/corrections also made
5/11/09: As a result of above, adding two new taxa to the main list with (detailed pages/links to follow): Yucca sterilis and Trifolium variegatum var. parunuweapensis which have been identified as Utah rare plants of extreme high priority that have not been previously included in any prior edition.
5/12/09: Initial "book" pages for Yucca sterilis created plus a supplemental ("More") page; changes/corrections to Penstemon flowersii plus added a new Jim Spencer closeup picture, and added a supplemental/more page; and some changes/updates to Astragalus isleyi. Updates to the acknowledgement page for the 2008 A Utah Flora and to add Spencer as a photographer. Note: while we are in the process of updating many plant book/main pages, the secondary "PDF" option within those pages will not be updated until later.
5/22/09: Various updates to Cymopterus acaulis var. parvus plus add supplemental ("More") page for additional photo.
5/23/09: Various G-rank and UNPS priority updates, also add Colorado to distribution of Astragalus hamiltonii
5/25/09: Walt Fertig photos for Aster welshii and Cryptantha semiglabra plus other updates to those pages and adding "More" page for both species with additional text and pictures, plus new feature that shows an image of the plant from the reduced flower image/icon in the first column of the table for both these two species as well as for Penstemon flowersii and Cymopterus acaulis var. parvus.
5/26/09: Futher changes to Cymopterus acaulis var. parvus taxonomy, description, and additional paragraph added to the "More" supplemental PDF.
8/13/09: Flower link/enlarged closeups added for Erigeron cronquistii and Schoenocrambe barnebyi, UNPS status updates
8/18/09: Flower link closeup for Sclerocactus brevispinus added.
9/01/09: Common name updates for several species, flower link and closeups added for Astragalus iselyi and Astragalus sabulosus var. vehiculus plus Stage milkvetch page changes
9/02/09: Flower link and closeup plus additional second page photo added for Draba burkei and several additional common name edits
9/03/09: Numerous UNPS priority code updates, common name changes, and add preliminary listing for Aster kingii var. kingii
9/10/09: Astragalus anserinus status updates (is now a candidate species).
9/12/09: Add Sclerocactus brevispinus drawing
9/15/09: In light of today's FR FWS taxonomy recognition changes, update status of Sclerocactus brevispinus and change S. glaucus to S. wetlandicus
9/26/09: Add California that was missing to global distribution of Arabis glabra var. furctapilis plus reference to its status and related names (but must remain under Arabis at this time and without any synonyms since var. furcatipilis has not been formally described under Turritis glabra).
9/27/09: Added drawing for Astragalus sabulosus var. vehiculus
10/5/09: Change Arabis lasiocarpa to Boechera lasiocarpa, expand elevation limits (previously 7000 to 9200 ft. but species is found slightly higher than that and also much lower; also add questioned distribution for Utah County (UT is listed as a county of occurrence in several publications. A Lois Arnow collection #3925 (UT) while identified as in SL County was on a south-facing slope in the Traverse Range N/NW of Alpine, Utah which would indicate a likely occurrence in Utah County. Davis Co. is included in light of W.P. Cottam, et al. 14,999 (UT #57773) as annotated by R.D. Stone.
10/5/09: Add pages for Boechera harrisonii.
10/15/09: Adjust lower known elevation range for Boechera lasiocarpa from 5,700 to 6,000 (a specimen at UT indicating 5,700 ft. in fact appears to be 7,500 ft), and add suspected habitat picture.
11/01/09: Added note concerning the UNPS priority codes and because the 2009 UNPS Utah rare plant list was published today. Following the resurrection of the UNPS rare plant committee in 2007 (which did not oversee the creation of this guide), in 2009 a draft comprehensive list was presented at the annual rare plant task force meeting in March of 2009. This list was finalized and subsequently published in the November-December 2009 Sego Lily newsletter and at the same time the full list was published here on November 1, 2009: UNPS 2009 Utah rare plant list in XLS format. The 2009 UNPS Utah Rare Plant list follows the taxonomy of the A Utah Flora series. This guide relies greatly on that valuable publication, but it necessarily departs as appropriate both because A Utah Flora does not encompass all specimens/resources/herbaria in the state and because treatments by experts in certain families cannot be ignored. Much work now remains to blend these two lists together in some fashion.
New in 2008
(continued work on coordinating new illustrations throughout year)
12/11/08: Added CNOR status re: Sphaerlacea gierischii; added FWS links
New in 2007
(Work throughout year on new illustrations)
1/19/07: Taxonomic note added re: Arabis pulchra var. duchesnensis in light of comments received from Dr. Michael Windham
3/12/07: Added drawing by April Jensen (and courtesy of the herbarium at BYU) for Petalonyx parryi
7/27/07: Replacement pictures for Angelica wheeleri which were taken on July 22, 2007 (prior pictures were likely A. pinnata and in any event were not a match for the species) and some changes/clarifications in the text (elevation, height, comments)
7/30/07: Addition to petal color for Lepidium ostleri which often appears as cream/yellow, additional comment and replacement pictures taken by Dr. Duane Atwood in June of 1998 (prior closeup while identified as this taxon was not representative)
10/08/07: NatureServe status was missing for Botrychium crenulatum; also updated the distribution in Utah and elsewhere and added some comments for Botrychium lineare, and clarified that the B. lineare habitat picture was not taken in Utah.
10/10/07: Added additional synonym Aletes latiloba (Rydb.) W.A. Weber (which was published in: Phytologia 55(1): 5. 1984 - note that the correct specific epithet of that synonym is latiloba and not latilobus as is referenced on some other sites) for Lomatium latilobum.
12/13/07: Added CNOR removed status re: Botrychium lineare; added link to Arizona Rare Plant Guide on link page
New in 2006
4/29/06: Numerous updates to G-ranks.
4/29/06: Added habitat and closeup pictures for Astragalus loanus and Astragalus musiniensis. (Special thanks to Ben Franklin and Robert Fitts of the Utah Natural Heritage Program for their assistance with A. loanus. Special thanks to Walt Fertig for his assistance with A. musiniensis.)
4/29/06: Added possible habitat type picture for Viola lithion (V. lithion may not actually occur in Utah.)
4/29/06: Added a new web page accessible from the Rare plants page for 1991 Field Guide Comments, Updates and Errata
6/22/06: Added Colorado distribution information for Astragalus equisolensis
7/30/06: Added pictures intended to be included in the original on-line version of the guide taken by C. Delmatier as follows: Arabis glabra var. furcatipilis (habitat), Arabis lasiocarpa (closeup), and Eriogonum racemosum var. zionis (habitat).
9/14/06: In light of the Candidate Notice of Review (CNOR) of September 12, 2006, updated the federal status of Astragalus equisolensis, Aliciella cespitosa and Castilleja aquariensis.
12/19/06: In light of a withdrawl of proposed rule to list published on December 19, 2006, updated the federal status of Penstemon grahamii.
12/21/06: Taxonomic note added re: Cirsium virginense in light of FNA treatment
New in 2005
5/07/05: Potentilla pensylvanica var. paucijuga moved to the "other pages" (no longer a valid taxon)
5/07/05: Misc. status/page updates, update wishlist page to remove some species that we now don't need pics for either because we have them now.
5/07/05: Astragalus desereticus - supplemental ("More") page added
5/10/05: Astragalus holmgrenriorum supplemental page added plus photographer update
5/10/05: New supplemental page for Phacelia argillacea (excellent closeup photo by Denise Van Keuren that she sent over last year)
5/17/05: Sclerocatus brevispinus habitat picture by Susan Garvin added plus new supp page
5/17/05: Sphaeralcea gierischii Utah habitat/closeups/supplemental page added
8/13/05: Ceanothus greggii var. franklinii pictures (closeup and habitat) from Catherine Bland added and text formatting fix
8/13/05: Swertia gypsicola pictures (closeup and habitat) by Ben Franklin added
8/13/05: Added new pages for Corydalis caseana subsp. brachycarpa - first time in the guide
8/16/05: Added photos for Astragalus concordius provided by Doug Reynolds plus supplemental page
8/17/05: Added photos for Penstemon scariosus var. cyanomontanus from Kipp Lee plus supplemental page
8/19/05: Updated Botrychium crenulatum to add Juab as a county and BLM-Fillmore as a land manager in light of an historical collection in 1944 relating to this taxon (note however that Welsh et al in 2003 3rd ed. do not recognize this taxon and include it under Botrychium lunaria).
8/20/05: The flower color in pictures of Penstemon grahamii by Leila Shultz were not correct due to a problem with the scanner settings when these were previously scanned and since the originals are not readily available, the closeup has been replaced with the Duane Atwood picture that appeared in connection with this species in the 1991 Utah Endangered, Threatened, and Sensitive Plant Field Guide; a beautiful picture by Susan Meyer has also been added.
8/26/05: Added an inset for Androsace chamaejasme var. carinata
8/26/05: Removed California from the distribtion for Petalonyx parryi and updated its land ownership to include state lands and private
8/29/05: Added Colorado to the distribution of Sphaeromeria capitata
8/29/05: Added supplemental page for Penstemon grahamii concerning pollinator information and pictures of the Penstemon pollen wasp, Pseudomasaris vespoides
9/1/05: Common names added for Astragalus concordius and Dodecatheon dentatum var. utahense (they were previously blank); fixed common name for Erigon huberi (had the common name of an unrelated taxon); changed slightly the common names of Pediocactus winkleri and P. despainii
9/4/05: Completed and added new table format for master species list with preliminary G-ranks for some of the taxa
9/9/05: Added a "habitat type" picture for Podistera eastwoodiae
9/22/05: Added additional land owner re: Sclerocactus brevispinus plus additional comments.
9/26/05: Added synonym for Sclerocactus brevispinus
11/12/05: Drawing by April Jensen added for Corydalis caseana subsp. brachycarpa (first time a botanical illustration for this taxon has ever been published anywhere as far as we are aware)
12/26/05: added links page
New in 2004
March-May 2004: Pictures added for Sphaeralcea gierischii, Potentilla cottamii, Viola clauseniana, Astagalus striatiflorus,Viguiera soliceps, Sclerocactus brevispinus and Physaria stylosa.
June 2004: Pictures contributed by Dorde Woodruff (Sclerocactus wrightiae) and by Walt Fertig (Euphorbia nephradenia, Phacelia pulchella var. atwoodii, Phacelia sabulonum, Sphaeralcea fumariensis and Thelypodiopsis ambigua var. erecta) were added. A photographer index list was also added for the first time.