Dorde Woodruff (Cactaceae) - 2003 guide and ongoing
Sherel Goodrich (US Forest Service ecologist) - 2003 guide and ongoing
Larry England (U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service) - 2003 guide
Vincent J. Tepedino (USDA Bee Lab) - 2003 guide and ongoing
James L. Reveal (Professor Emeritus, University of Maryland) - 2006 (Eriogonoids) to 2014.
Line drawings provided by
Primary illustrator (drawings reproduced mainly from the 1991 guide):
Kaye H. Thorne (1939-2004)
(courtesy of Stanley L. Welsh Herbarium)
Our primary illustrator for the second edition of the guide:
April Jensen (Aquilegia fosteri,Astragalus pubentissimus var. peabodianus, Boechera lasiocarpa,Calochortus ciscoensis (drawn in 2011, first illustration of the species), Corydalis caseana subsp. brachycarpa, Draba brachystylis, Dodecatheon pulchellum var. zionense,
Eriogonum brevicaule var. loganum (drawn/added in 2010 to replace a prior drawing), Eriogonum mitophyllum (drawn and added in 2010), Frasera ackermaniae sketch (drawn in 2011, first drawing of species), Petalonyx parryi, Phacelia sabulonum (drawn/added in 2012, first drawing of the
species), Phacelia argylensis, and Yucca sterilis (drawn and added in 2010, first illustration of the species)
Other illustrators (alphabetical)
Bobbi Angell (Astragalus loanus, Astragalus musiniensis,Astragalus piscator,Astragalus striatiflorusAstragalus welshii, Caesalpinia repens, Camissonia gouldii, Ceanothus greggii var. franklinii, Cryptantha osterhoutii,
Cryptantha semiglabra, Dodecatheon dentatum var. utahensis, Ivesia utahensis, Jamesia americana var. macrocalyx,
Physaria lepidota var. membrancaea,Potentilla angelliae, Frasera gypsicola, Viola frank-smithii,Viola lithion)
G. Argus (Salix arizonica)
Jane Dorn (Phlox opalensis)
Tony Frates (Sclerocactus brevispinus, Astragalus vehiculus)
Walt Fertig (Draba densifolia var. apiculata - insets, Viguiera soliceps)
Jeanne R. Janish (Androsace chamaejasme var. carinata, Astragalus diversifolius, Draba densifolia var. apiculata - except for insets,
Epipactis gigantea, Penstemon duchesnensis, Penstemon navajoa)
Robin A. Jess (Angelica wheeleri, Cymopterus purpureus var. jonesii, Erigeron garrettii, Gilia tridactyla,
Haplopappus lignumviridis, Penstemon abietinus, Penstemon caespitosus var. suffruticosus, Penstemon petiolatus, Phlox cluteana, Senecio castoreus)
Laurie Klingensmith (Cystopteris utahensis)
Elaine Kneller (Aquilegia loriae, Lupinus caudatus var. cutleri,
Oenothera murdockii, Phacelia pulchella var. atwoodii, Thelypodiopsis ambigua var. erecta)
Isobel Nichols (Thelesperma pubescens var. caespitosum)
Anthony Salazar (Aster welshii, Gutierrezia pomariensis,Senecio fremontii var. inexpectatus,Senecio malmstenii)
Permission statements with respect to Intermountain Flora drawings:
Vol. 4:
Reproduced with permission of the publisher from: Arthur Cronquist et al., Asteridae except for Asteraceae. Intermountain Flora - Vascular Plants of the Intermountain West, U.S.A. Vol. 4, 1984, The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, New York.
Vascular Plants of the Pacific Northwest (Hitchcock et al)
Utah Endangered, Threatened and Sensitive Plant Field Guide (1991)
Wyoming Rare Plant Field Guide
Photographer list
Alphabetical order by last name as they appear in the guide with full name in parentheses:
J. Anderson (John Anderson)
K. Anderson (Kim Anderson)
L. Armstrong (Lori Armstrong)
D. Atwood (N. Duane Atwood)
K. Blaxland (Kim Blaxland)
C. Bland (Catherine Bland)
J. Brunson (Jessica "Jessi" Brunson)
D. Clark (Debi Clark)
T. Clark (Tom Clark)
J. Coyner
C. Damm
C. Delmatier (Charmaine R. Delmatier)
N. Dombrowski (Neal Dombrowski)
L. England (Larry England)
A. Evenden (Angie Evenden)
W. Fertig (Walt Fertig)
R. Fitts (Robert Fitts/UNHP)
B. Franklin (Merton "Ben" Franklin/UNHP)
A. Frates (Anthony "Tony" Frates, sometimes T. Frates)
S. Garvin (Susan Garvin)
B. Glisson (Bruce Glisson)
S. Goodrich (Sherel Goodrich)
W. Gray (William "Bill" Gray)
K. Harper (Kimball T. Harper)
G. Haslinger (Gerhard Haslinger)
B. Heidel (Bonnie Heidel)
J. Holland (Jim Holland)
D. House (Donna House)
J. Huggins (Janis Huggins/CNHP)
A. Huber (Allen Huber)
L. Hughes (Lee Hughes)
W. Hunter (William "Bill" J. Hunter)
W. Jennings (William Jennings)
C. King (Catherine King)
M. Kirkpatrick
L. Kurth (Laurie Kurth)
K. Lee (Kipp Lee)
Fay-Wei Li
P. Lyon (Peggy Lyon/CNHP)
M. Malm (Margaret Malm)
M. Mancuso (Michael Mancuso)
T. Meinzen (Thomas Meinzen)
S. Meyer (Susan Meyer)
T. Meyer (Therese Meyer)
K. Mutz (Kathy Mutz)
T. Naumann (Tamara Naumann)
B. Neely (Betsy Neely)
E. Neese (Elizabeth Neese, 1934-2008)
T. Nelson
M. O'Brien (Mary O'Brien)
W. Padgett (Wayne Padgett)
B. Parkinson (Ben Parkinson)
B. Phillips (Barbara Phillips)
T. Prendusi (Teresa Prendusi)
J. Reveal (James Reveal)
D. Reynolds (Doug Reynolds)
D. Roth (Daniela Roth)
C. Schelz (Charlie Schelz)
L. Shultz (Leila Shultz)
B. Smith (Barb Smith)
F. Smith (Frank Smith)
K. Snyder
J. Spencer (James "Jim" R. Spencer)
R. Thompson or B. Thompson (Robert "Bob" Thompson)
S. Topp (Sarah Topp)
D. Trotter (Daryl Trotter)
J. Tuhy (Joel Tuhy)
M. Ulloa (Maria Ulloa)
R. Van Buren (Renee Van Buren)
D. Van Keuren (Denise Van Keuren)
T. Wagoner (Tamara Wagoner)
S. Walker (Steve Walker)
J. Weiser (John P. Weiser)
B. Wellard (Blake Wellard)
S. Welsh (Stanley L. Welsh)
M. Williams
D. Woodruff (Dorde "Wright" Woodruff)
J. Young (Jon Young)
C. Zupan
Primary References
Arnow L, Albee B, Wyckoff A. 1980. Flora of the Central Wasatch Front, Utah: a manual of the ferns, fern allies, confiers, and flowering plants growing without cultivation in Salt Lake and Davis counties. Salt Lake City, Utah: University of Utah. 663 pp.
Atwood D, Holland J, Bolander R, Franklin B, House DE, Armstrong L, Thorne K, England L. 1991. Utah endangered, threatened, and sensitive plant field guide. Ogden, Utah: USDA Forest Service Intermountain Region. Unpaginated.
(note: the Utah Rare Plant Guide is based on, and is intended to be an extension of, the publication above)
Barneby RC. 1989. Fabales. In: Cronquist A, Holmgren AH, Holmgren NH, Reveal JL, Holmgren PK (eds). Intermountain flora: Vascular plants of the Intermountain West, U.S.A. Vol. 3B. Bronx, New York: The New York Botanical Garden. 279 pp.
Cronquist A, Holmgren AH, Holmgren NH, Reveal JL. 1972. Intermountain flora: Vascular plants of the Intermountain West, U.S.A. Vol. 1, Geological and botanical history of the region, its plant geography and a glossary, the vascular cryptograms and the gymnosperms. New York, New York: Hafner Publishing Company Inc., published for The New York Botanical Garden. 270 pp.
Cronquist A, Holmgren AH, Holmgren NH, Reveal JL, Holmgren PK. 1977. Intermountain flora: Vascular plants of the Intermountain West, U.S.A. Vol. 6, The Monocotyledons. New York, New York: Columbia University Press, published for The New York Botanical Garden. 584 pp.
Cronquist A, Holmgren AH, Holmgren NH, Reveal JL, Holmgren PK. 1984. Intermountain flora: Vascular plants of the Intermountain West, U.S.A. Vol. 4, Subclass Asteridae (except Asteraceae). Bronx, New York: The New York Botanical Garden. 573 pp.
Cronquist A. 1994. Asterales. In: Cronquist A, Holmgren AH, Holmgren NH, Reveal JL, Holmgren PK(eds). 1994. Intermountain flora: Vascular plants of the Intermountain West, U.S.A. Vol. 5. Bronx, New York: The New York Botanical Garden. 496 pp.
Cronquist A, Holmgren NH, Holmgren PK. 1997. Intermountain flora: Vascular plants of the Intermountain West, U.S.A. Vol. 3A, Subclass Rosidae (except Fabales). Bronx, New York: The New York Botanical Garden. 446 pp.
Flora of North America Editorial Committee, eds. 1993+. Flora of North America North of Mexico. 16+ vols. New York and Oxford. Vol. 1, 1993; vol. 2, 1993; vol. 3, 1997; vol. 4, 2003; vol. 5, 2005; vol. 7, 2010; vol. 8, 2009; vol. 19, 2006; vol. 20, 2006; vol. 21, 2006; vol. 22, 2000; vol. 23, 2002; vol. 24, 2007; vol. 25, 2003; vol. 26, 2002; vol. 27, 2007.
Franklin MA. 2005. Plant information compiled by the Utah Natural Heritage Program: a progress report. Prepared for Utah Reclamation Mitigation and Conservation Commission. Publication No. 05-40, Utah DWR. Salt Lake City, Utah: Utah Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife Resources, Utah Natural Heritage Program. 334 pp.
Goodrich S, Huber A. 2014. Uinta flora. Ogden, Utah: USDA Forest Service-Intermountain Region. 314 pp.
Goodrich S, Neese E. 1986. Uinta Basin flora. Ogden, Utah: USDA Forest Service and USDI BLM. 320 pp.
Holmgren NH, Holmgren PK, Cronquist A. 2005. Intermountain flora: Vascular plants of the Intermountain West, U.S.A. Vol. 2B, Subclass Dilleniidae. Bronx, New York: The New York Botanical Garden. 488 pp.
Holmgren NH, Holmgren PK, Reveal JL and others. 2012. Intermountain flora: Vascular plants of the Intermountain West, U.S.A. Vol. 2A, Subclass Magnoliidae-Caryophyllidae. Bronx, New York: The New York Botanical Garden. 731 pp.
Welsh SL, Thorne KH. 1979. Illustrated manual of proposed endangered and threatened plants of Utah. Denver, Colorado: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management, and U.S. Forest Service. 318 pp.
Welsh SL, Atwood ND, Goodrich S, Higgins LC [eds]. 1987. A Utah flora. Great Basin Naturalist Memoirs, no. 9. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University.
Welsh SL, Atwood ND, Goodrich S, Higgins LC [eds]. 1993. A Utah flora, second edition, revised. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University. 986 pp.
Welsh SL, Atwood ND, Goodrich S, Higgins LC [eds]. 2003. A Utah flora, third edition, revised. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University. 912 pp.
Welsh SL, Atwood ND, Goodrich S, Higgins LC [eds]. 2008. A Utah flora, fourth edition, revised. 2004-2008 summary monograph. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University. 1019 pp.
Welsh SL, Atwood ND. 2012. Plant endemism and geoendemic areas of Utah, revised edition. Orem, Utah: self-published by Stanley L. Welsh. 97 pp.
Welsh SL, Atwood ND, Goodrich S, Higgins LC [eds]. 2015. A Utah flora, fifth edition, revised. 2015 summary monograph. Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University. 987 pp.
Other References - journal articles, status reports
Ackerfield JR. 2023. Cirsium tukuhnikivatzicum, a new species of thistle endemic to the La Sal Mountains of Utah. Systematic Botany 48(2):354-362.
Al-Shehbaz I A, Windham MD. 2007. New or Noteworthy North American Draba (Brassicaceae). Harvard Papers in Botany. 12(2):409-419.
Benson LD. 1966. A review of Sclerocactus. Cactus and Succulent Journal 38(2):55-57.
Brouillet L, Urbatsch L, Roberts RP. 2004. Tonestus kingii and T. abberans are related to Eurybia and the Machaerantherinae (Asteraceae: Astereae) based on nrDNA (ITS and ETS) data: reinstatement of Herrickia and a new genus, Triniteurbyia. SIDA 21(2):889-900.
Fertig W, Black R, Wolken P. 2005. Rangewide Status Review of Ute Ladies’-Tresses (Spiranthes diluvialis). Prepared for the US Fish and Wildlife Service and Central Utah Water Conservancy District. 101 pp.
Fitts RD, Fitts SG. 2008. Field survey for seven rare plants in western Utah. Utah Natural Heritage Program, Salt Lake City, Utah. 38 pp. + appendices.
Harris JG. 2010. First reports of Draba pennellii and Draba pedicellata
(Cruciferae) in Utah, and new distribution records for Draba kassii, Draba novolympica, and Hackelia
ibapensis (Boraginaceae). Western North American Naturalist 70(2):255-257.
Holmgren NH. 1987. Two new species of Potentilla (Rosaceae) from the Intermountain Region of Western U.S.A. Brittonia 39(3):340-344.
Holmgren NH. 1992. Two new species of Viola (Violaceae) from the Intermountain West, U.S.A. Brittonia 44(3):300-305.
Holmgren NH, Holmgren PK. 1989. A taxonomic study of Jamesia (Hydrangeaeceae). Brittonia 41(4):335-350.
Holmgren NH, Holmgren PK. 2010. New combinations and lectoypifications of North American taxa in Caryophyllaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Fumariaceae, Montiaceae, Papaveraceae, and Ranunculacaeae. Brittonia 62(3):264-266.
Majure LC, Murphy TH, Köhler M, Puente R, Hodgson WC. 2023. Evolution of the Xerocarpa clade (Opuntia; Opuntieae): evidence for the role of the Grand Canyon in the biogeographic history of the iconic beavertail cactus and relatives. Plants 12(14):2677.
Meinzen T. 2023. Research report: pollinators, seedset and grazing of a rare alpine plant Senecio fremontii var. inexpectatus in the La Sal Mountains. Prepared for and funded by Project Eleven Hundred and the Utah Native Plant Society. 24 pp.
Newberry C, Goodrich S. 2010. A new species of Frasera (Gentianaceae) from Uinta Basin, Utah. Western North American Naturalist, 70(3): 415-417.
Reveal JL, Moulton GE, Schuyler AE. 1999. The Lewis and Clark collections of vascular plants: names, types, and comments. Proc. Acad. Natl. Hist. Philadelphia 149:1-64.
Rollins RC. 1981. Studies in the genus Physaria (Cruficerae). Brittonia 33(3):332-341.
Smith FJ. 2000. Current knowledge and conservation status of Frasera gypsicola Barneby (Gentinaceae), the Sunnyside green gentian, in Nevada. Status report for Nevada Natural Heritage Program. 21 pp. plus appendices.
Sun F-J, Levin GA, Downie SR. 2005. A multivariate analysis of Cymopterus glomeratus, formerly known as C. acaulis (Apiaceae). Rhodora 107:359–385.
Wagner WL, Hoch PC, Raven PH. 2007. Revised classification of the Onagraceae. Systematic Botany Monographs 83:1-240.
Welsh SL. 1983. A bouquet of daisies. Great Basin Naturalist 43(2):365-368.
Welsh SL. 1993. New taxa and new nomenclatural combinations in the Utah flora. Rhodora 95(883/884):392-421. Available on-line at:
Windham MD, Pryer KM, Allphin L. 2022. An overview of New Mexican Boechera (Brassicaceae) including three new species and thirteen new nomenclatural combinations. Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas, 16(1):9-24.
Windham MD, Picard KT, Pryer KM. 2023. An in-depth investigation of cryptic taxonomic diversity in the rare endemic mustard Draba maguirei. American Journal of Botany e16138.
Other References - rare plant guides, other publications and miscellaneous
Arizona Rare Plant Committee. 2000 (publication year omitted). Arizona rare plant guide: a collaboration of agencies and organizations. M. Falk coordinator. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. Unpaginated.
Benson L. 1977. The cacti of Arizona (revised, third edition). Tucson: University of Arizona Press. 218 pp. (see pages 23-24 re: Pediocactus peeblesianus var. fickeiseniae)
Colorado Native Plant Society, The. 1989. Rare Plants of Colorado. Estes Park, CO: Colorado Native Plant Society and Rocky Mountain Nature Association. 73 pp.
Lenz LW. 1986. Marcus E. Jones: western geologist, mining engineer and botanist. Claremont, California: Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden. 486 pp.
Mozingo HN, Williams M. 1980. Threatened and endangered plants of Nevada. Prepared for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Bureau of Land Management. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. 268 pp.
Reveal JL. 2006. A revision of Dodecatheon (Primulaceae). []
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1994. Utah reed-mustards: clay red-mustard (Schoenocrambe argillacea), Barneby reed-mustard (Schoenocrambe barnebyi), shrubby reed-mustard (Schoenocrambe suffrutescens) recovery plan. Denver, Colorado: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 22 pp.
Utah Native Plant Society. 1981. Utah's colorful natives. Illustrations by Kaye Thorne. Text by Duane Atwood and Kaye Thorne. Salt Lake City, UT: Sun Lithographing Company. 8 pp. (unpaginated). Funded by UNPS, State Arboretum of Utah, University of Utah Lallapalooza, and Children's Art Discovery Project.
Van Buren R, Cooper JG, Shultz LM, Harper KT. 2011. Woody Plants of Utah: A Field Guide with Identification Keys to Native and Naturalized Trees, Shrubs, Cacti, and Vines. Logan: Utah State University Press. 513 pp.
Primary funding provided by the Bureau of Land Management, Utah State Office
Matching contribution under BLM-UNPS challenge cost agreement provided by Tony Frates and Addsum Business Software, Inc.
And thanks go to the following individuals/organizations:
Mary Barkworth and the Intermountain Herbarium for donating space, computer access, scanners, and library resources relating to work for the 2003 guide
Robert Fitts of the Utah Natural Heritage Program for various assistance with a number of species
Dr. Harvey Ballard, Ohio University, for his assistance with Viola clauseniana - 2003 guide
Wayne Padgett and the USFS for technical and financial assistance in connection with obtaining an illustration for
Corydalis caseana subsp. brachycarpa