Year | exH | High | Total |
2009 | 31 | 114 | 145 |
2012 | 31 | 119 | 150 |
2014 | 37 | 135 | 172 |
2016 | 38 | 142 | 180 |
2019 | 50 | 139 | 189 |
Quick click (closeup pic or collage) |
Formal (scientific) name (click for facing guide book pages and higher resolution printable PDF's) see taxonomy section |
Informal (common) name | Family common name see taxonomy section |
NatureServe ranks (NR=not ranked) ESA status |
UNPS priority
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Aliciella cespitosa | Rabbit valley gilia | Phlox | G2 formerly C as Gilia caespitosa NOR 12/15/80, removed CNOR 9/12/06 |
exH | ||||||||||||||||
Aliciella latifolia subsp. imperialis | Cataract gilia | Phlox | G4T2 | H | |||||||||||||||||
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Aliciella tenuis
(syn. Gilia kareniae as corrected under ICBN Art 60.11) |
Mussentuchit gilia | Phlox | G3 |
H | ||||||||||||||||
Allium geyeri var. chatterleyi | Chatterley onion | Lily | G4G5T2 | W | |||||||||||||||||
Allium passeyi | Passey onion | Lily | G1 | W | |||||||||||||||||
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Androsace chamaejasme var. carinata | Sweet-flowered rock jasmine | Primose | G5T4 | |||||||||||||||||
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Angelica wheeleri | Utah angelica, Wheeler's angelica | Parsley (Carrot) | G2 | W | ||||||||||||||||
Aquilegia desolaticola | Desolation Canyon columbine | Buttercup | G2 | W | |||||||||||||||||
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Aquilegia flavescens var. rubicunda | LinkTrail columbine | Buttercup | G5T1 | H | ||||||||||||||||
Aquilegia fosteri | Foster's columbine | Buttercup | GNR | W | |||||||||||||||||
Aquilegia holmgrenii | Holmgren's columbine | Buttercup | G1 | H | |||||||||||||||||
Aquilegia grahamii | Graham's columbine | Buttercup | G2 | W | |||||||||||||||||
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Aquilegia loriae | Lori's columbine | Buttercup | G2 | W | ||||||||||||||||
Aquilegia scopulorum var. goodrichii | Goodrich's columbine | Buttercup | G3?TNR | H | |||||||||||||||||
Arabis beckwithii
This entity will likely be removed in the near future; genus name if retained will be changed Boechera, and species to B. puberula |
Beckwith rockcress | Mustard | G2? |
W (as B. puberula) |
Arabis glabra var. furcatipilis
(considered to be a synonym of Turritis glabra and not recognized as a separate taxon; to be removed) |
Tower mustard | Mustard | G5TNR | ||||||||||||||||||
Arabis lasiocarpa - see Boechera lasiocarpa |   | ||||||||||||||||||||
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Arctomecon humilis | Dwarf bearclaw poppy, Low bearclaw poppy, Low bear-poppy | Poppy | G1 LE 11/6/79 |
exH | ||||||||||||||||
Artemisia campestris var. petiolata | Petiolate wormwood | Sunflower | G5T1? | ||||||||||||||||||
Artemisia norvegica var. piceetorum | Spruce wormwood | Sunflower | |||||||||||||||||||
Asclepias cutleri | Cutler milkweed | Milkweed | G3 | W | |||||||||||||||||
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Asclepias welshii | Welsh's milkweed | Milkweed | G1 LT 10/28/87 |
H | ||||||||||||||||
Asplenium adiantum-nigrum | Black spleenwort | Fern | G5 (S1) |
M | |||||||||||||||||
Aster kingii var. barnebyana
(will be moved to Herrickia rather than Eurybia) |
Barneby's woody aster | Sunflower | G3T2 (Tonestus kingii var. barnebyana) |
W | |||||||||||||||||
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Aster kingii var. kingii
(will be moved to Herrickia rather than Eurybia) |
King's woody aster | Sunflower | G3T3 (Tonestus kingii var. kingii) |
W | ||||||||||||||||
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Aster welshii
(will be moved to Symphytrichum) |
Welsh aster | Sunflower | G2 | W | ||||||||||||||||
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Astragalus ampullarioides | Shivwits milkvetch | Pea | G1Q LE 9/28/01 |
exH | ||||||||||||||||
Astragalus ampullarius | Gumbo milkvetch | Pea | G2 | H | |||||||||||||||||
Astragalus anserinus | Goose Creek milkvetch | Pea | G2 formerly C 9/10/09 74 FR 46521 46542, removed 10/08/2015 80 FR 60834 60850 |
exH | |||||||||||||||||
Astragalus argophyllus var. stocksii
previously treated as Astragalus henrimontanensis |
Dayna's milkvetch | Pea | G5T2T3Q | W | |||||||||||||||||
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Astragalus concordius | Harmony milkvetch | Pea | GNR | W | ||||||||||||||||
Astragalus consobrinus | Bicknell milkvetch | Pea | G2G3 | M | |||||||||||||||||
Astragalus cronquistii | Cronquist milkvetch | Pea | G2 | H | |||||||||||||||||
Astragalus cutleri | Cutler milkvetch | Pea | G4T1T2 (A. preussii var. cutleri) | H | |||||||||||||||||
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Astragalus desereticus | Deseret milkvetch | Pea | G1 (formerly LT, see bottom) | exH | ||||||||||||||||
Astragalus diversifolius | Mesic milkvetch | Pea | G2 | H | |||||||||||||||||
Astragalus equisolensis | Horseshoe milkvetch | Pea | G5T1 (Astragalus desperatus var. neeseae) formerly C NOR 9/27/85, removed CNOR 9/12/06 |
W | ![]() |
Astragalus hamiltonii | Hamilton's milkvetch | Pea | G1 | H | |||||||||||
Astragalus harrisonii | Harrison's milkvetch | Pea | G2G3 | H | |||||||||||||||||
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Astragalus holmgreniorum | Holmgren milkvetch, Paradox milkvetch | Pea | G1 LE 9/28/01 |
exH | ||||||||||||||||
Astragalus kelseyae | Kelsey's milkvetch | Pea | G1 | exH | |||||||||||||||||
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Astragalus iselyi | Isely's milkvetch | Pea | G1 | exH | ||||||||||||||||
Astragalus jejunus var. jejunus | Starveling milkvetch | Pea | G3T3 | W | |||||||||||||||||
Astragalus laccoliticus | Caineville milkvetch | Pea | N | ||||||||||||||||||
Astragalus lentiginosus var. pohlii | Pohl's milkvetch | Pea | G5T1 | exH | |||||||||||||||||
Astragalus limnocharis var. limnocharis | Navajo Lake milkvetch | Pea | G2T1 | W | |||||||||||||||||
Astragalus limnocharis var. tabulaeus | Table Cliff milkvetch | Pea | G2T? | W | |||||||||||||||||
Astragalus loanus | Loa milkvetch | Pea | G1 | H | |||||||||||||||||
Astragalus montii | Heliotrope milkvetch | Pea | G3 LT 11/6/87 |
W | |||||||||||||||||
Astragalus monumentalis | Monument milkvetch | Pea | G4 | W | |||||||||||||||||
Astragalus musiniensis | Ferron milkvetch | Pea | G3 | L | |||||||||||||||||
Astragalus oophorus var. lonchocalyx | Pink egg milkvetch | Pea | G4T2 | M | |||||||||||||||||
Astragalus perianus |
Rydberg's milkvetch | Pea | G3 (formerly LT, see bottom) |
M | |||||||||||||||||
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Astragalus piscator | Fisher milkvetch | Pea | G2G3 | W | ||||||||||||||||
Astragalus pubentissimus var. peabodianus | Peabody's milkvetch | Pea | G4TNR | N | |||||||||||||||||
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Astragalus sabulosus | Cisco milkvetch | Pea | G1T1 | H | ||||||||||||||||
Astragalus striatiflorus | Escarpment milkvetch | Pea | G3 | H | |||||||||||||||||
Astragalus subcinereus var. basalticus | Basalt milkvetch | Pea | |||||||||||||||||||
Astragalus uncialis | Currant milkvetch | Pea | G2 | W | |||||||||||||||||
Astragalus vehiculus | Stage milkvetch | Pea | G1T1 (as A. sabulosus var. vehiculus) |
H | |||||||||||||||||
Astragalus welshii | Welsh milkvetch | Pea | G2G3 | H | |||||||||||||||||
Astragalus zionis var. vigulus | Guard milkvetch | Pea | G4?T1 | W | |||||||||||||||||
Atriplex canescens var. gigantea | Dunes four-wing saltbush | Goosefoot | G5T1 | exH | |||||||||||||||||
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Boechera duchesnensis
Duchesne rockcress | Mustard | G1 |
exH | ||||||||||||||||
Boechera falcatoria | Grouse Creek rockcress | Mustard | G1G2 (Arabis falcatoria) |
exH | |||||||||||||||||
Boechera harrisonii | Harrison's rockcress | Mustard | G1 |
H | |||||||||||||||||
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Boechera lasiocarpa | Wasatch rockcress | Mustard | G3 (Arabis lasiocarpa) |
M | ||||||||||||||||
Boechera schistacea | Divided rockcress | Family | G3? (Arabis schistacea) |
M | |||||||||||||||||
Boechera vivariensis | Park rockcress | Mustard | NR |
exH | |||||||||||||||||
Botrychium crenulatum | Wavy moonwort | Adder's tongue | G3 | ||||||||||||||||||
Botrychium lineare | Slender moonwort | Adder's tongue | G1 C 6/6/01, removed CNOR 12/6/07 |
H | |||||||||||||||||
Botrychium paradoxum | Paradox moonwort | Adder's tongue | G2 | N | |||||||||||||||||
Calochortus ciscoensis | Cisco Sego Lily | Lily | G3 | W | |||||||||||||||||
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Camissonia atwoodii
More recently treated as Chylismia atwoodii |
Atwood's camissonia | Evening primrose | G2 | W | ||||||||||||||||
Camissonia bairdii
More recently treated as Chylismia scapoidea subsp. macrocarpa |
Baird's camissonia | Evening primrose | G1 | W | |||||||||||||||||
Camissonia exilis
More recently treated as Chylismia exilis |
Slender camissonia | Evening primrose | G1 |
H | |||||||||||||||||
Camissonia gouldii
More recently treated as Eremothera gouldii |
Gould's camissonia | Evening primrose | G1? | W | |||||||||||||||||
Carex curatorum | Canyonlands sedge | Sedge | G2 | W | |||||||||||||||||
Carex haysii | Hays sedge | Sedge | H | ||||||||||||||||||
Carex specuicola | Navajo sedge | Sedge | G2 LT 5/8/85 |
exH | |||||||||||||||||
Castilleja aquariensis | Aquarius paintbrush | Figwort | G2 formerly C NOR 12/15/80, removed CNOR 9/12/06 |
H | |||||||||||||||||
Castilleja parvula | Tushar paintbrush | Figwort | G2 | H | |||||||||||||||||
Castilleja revealii | Reveal's paintbrush, Bryce Canyon paintbrush | Figwort | G2 | H | |||||||||||||||||
Ceanothus franklinii
Treated by FNA and POWO as C. pauciflorus. Raised to the species level, i.e. as C. franklinii Welsh, in the 5th ed. of A Utah Flora (2015). |
Franklin's ceanothus; Ben's ceanothus | Buckthorn | G5T1T2 | W | |||||||||||||||||
Chrysothamnus nauseosus var. psilocarpus | Huntington rabbitbrush | Sunflower | G5T1T2 | W | |||||||||||||||||
Cirsium ownbeyi | Ownbey thistle | Sunflower | G3 | W | |||||||||||||||||
Cirsium virginense
C. virginense has been lumped with C. mohavense in the Flora of North America (vol 19, pg 134), and the distinction between perennial (C. virginense) and biennial (C. mohavense) may not be valid. Even if recognized as C. mohavense it would remain rare in Utah at the periphery of its range here, and since C. mohavense is a globally rare species. The latest research (Ackerfield, 2023) indicates that this should be treated as C. mohavense. |
Virgin thistle | Sunflower | G2 | H | |||||||||||||||||
Cleomella palmeriana var. goodrichii | Goodrich cleomella | Caper | G3G4T? | H | |||||||||||||||||
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Corydalis caseana subsp. brachycarpa
2013 rare plant meeting presentation: Wasatch Fitweed Pollinators |
Wasatch fitweed | Poppy (formerly Fumitory) | G5T2 | H | ||||||||||||||||
Cryptantha compacta | Mound cryptanth | Borage | G1 | W | |||||||||||||||||
Cryptantha creutzfeldtii | Creutzfeldt-flower | Borage | G2 | W | |||||||||||||||||
Cryptantha grahamii | Graham's cryptanth | Borage | G3 | H | |||||||||||||||||
Cryptantha johnstonii | Johnston's cryptanth | Borage | G1G2 | W | |||||||||||||||||
Cryptantha jonesiana | Jones cryptanth | Borage | G2G3 | W | |||||||||||||||||
Cryptantha ochroleuca | Yellowish cryptanth | Borage | G1? | W | |||||||||||||||||
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Cryptantha osterhoutii | Osterhout's cryptanth | Borage | G2G3 | Nr | ||||||||||||||||
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Cryptantha semiglabra | Pipe Springs cryptanth | Borage | G1? | H | ||||||||||||||||
Cycladenia humilis var. jonesii | Jones cycladenia | Dogbane | LT 5/5/86 | H | |||||||||||||||||
Cymopterus acaulis var. higginsii
Cronquist (1997) in Intermountain Flora Vol. 3A included C. acaulis var. higginsii under C. acaulis var. fendleri. Sun et al (2005) in Rhodora determined that C. acaulis was nomenclaturally invalid placing it in Cymopterus glomeratus but without distinguishing any varieties. This leaves the above entity currently in taxonomic limbo. |
Higgins spring-parsley | Parsley | G5T2 | H | |||||||||||||||||
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Cymopterus acaulis var. parvus
Cronquist (1997) in Intermountain Flora Vol. 3A included C. acaulis var. parvus under C. acaulis var. greeleyorum. Sun et al (2005) in Rhodora determined that C. acaulis was nomenclaturally invalid placing it in Cymopterus glomeratus but without distinguishing any varieties. This leaves the above entity currently in taxonomic limbo. |
Small spring-parsley | Parsley | G5T2T3 | W | ||||||||||||||||
Cymopterus beckii | Pinnate spring-parsley | Parsley | G1 | ||||||||||||||||||
Cymopterus minimus | Least spring-parsley | Parsley | G1G2Q | W | |||||||||||||||||
Cymopterus purpureus var. jonesii
To be treated as Cymopterus jonesii |
Jones spring-parsley | Parsley | G2 (as Cymopterus jonesii) | M | |||||||||||||||||
Cypripedium fasciculatum | Purple slipper | Orchid | G4 (S1) | W | |||||||||||||||||
Cypripedium parviflorum var. pubescens | Large Yellow Lady's-slipper | Orchid | G5T5 (S1) | H | |||||||||||||||||
Cystopteris utahensis
As of July 2022, has been treated as Cystopteris tennesseensis subsp. utahensis |
Utah bladder-fern | Fern | G3? | ||||||||||||||||||
Dalea flavescens var. epica | Hole-in-the-Rock prairie-clover | Pea | G5TNR | N | |||||||||||||||||
Descurainia browniae | Brown's tansy-mustard | Mustard | G1 | N | |||||||||||||||||
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Dodecatheon pulchellum var. zionense | Zion shooting-star | Primrose | G5T2 | W | ||||||||||||||||
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Dodecatheon utahense | Wasatch shooting-star | Primrose | G1 | H | ||||||||||||||||
Draba brachystylis | Wasatch draba | Mustard | G1G2 | M | |||||||||||||||||
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Draba burkei | Burke's draba | Mustard | G2 |
W | ||||||||||||||||
Draba inexpectata | Uinta Mountains draba | Mustard | G1G2 | H | |||||||||||||||||
Draba kassii | Kass rockcress | Mustard | G1 | H | |||||||||||||||||
Draba maguirei subsp. maguirei | Maguire's draba | Mustard | G2 (as Draba maguirei var. maguirei) | W | |||||||||||||||||
Draba maguirei subsp. stonei | Stone's draba | Mustard | GNR | Nr | |||||||||||||||||
Draba ramulosa | Belknap Peak draba | Mustard | G1 | H | |||||||||||||||||
Draba santaquinensis | Santaquin draba | Mustard | G1 | H | |||||||||||||||||
Draba sobolifera | Creeping draba | Mustard | G2 | H | |||||||||||||||||
Draba zionensis | Zion draba | Mustard | |||||||||||||||||||
Echinocereus relictus | Cactus | GNR | exH | ||||||||||||||||||
Enceliopsis nudicaulis var. bairdii | Sunflower | exH | |||||||||||||||||||
Epilobium nevadense | Nevada willowherb | Evening primrose | G2 | W | |||||||||||||||||
Epipactis gigantea |
Giant helleborine | Orchid | G3G4 | L | |||||||||||||||||
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Ericameria lignumviridis
(syn. Haplopappus lignumviridis; the habitat of this species is incorrectly described in FNA (2016) which in turn was based on Welsh (Utah Flora series) - it is not a riparian species) |
Greenwood's goldenbush | Sunflower | G1 |
H | ||||||||||||||||
Erigeron canaani | Canaan daisy | Sunflower | |||||||||||||||||||
Erigeron carringtoniae
(considered by an increasing number of sources as a synonym of E. untermannii but there are habitat/elevation/morphological differences) |
Carrington's daisy | Sunflower | G2 (under E. untermannii) | W | |||||||||||||||||
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Erigeron cronquistii | Cronquist's daisy | Sunflower | G2 | W | ||||||||||||||||
Erigeron garrettii | Garrett's daisy | Sunflower | G2 | W | |||||||||||||||||
Erigeron goodrichii | Goodrich's daisy | Sunflower | G3 | H | |||||||||||||||||
Erigeron huberi (to be changed to E. radicatus) | Huber's daisy | Sunflower | GNR | W | |||||||||||||||||
Erigeron kachinensis | Kachina daisy | Sunflower | G2 | H | |||||||||||||||||
Erigeron katiae | Katie's daisy | Sunflower | G1S1 | N | |||||||||||||||||
Erigeron maguirei | Maguire's daisy | Sunflower | G2 (formerly LE/LT, see bottom) |
W | |||||||||||||||||
Erigeron mancus | La Sal daisy | Sunflower | G2 | H | |||||||||||||||||
Erigeron proselyticus | Cedar Canyon daisy | Sunflower | G3 |
W as Erigeron sionis var. trilobatus |
Erigeron untermannii
(see also E. carringtoniae which some taxonomists consider to be a synonym of E. untermannii) |
Untermann's daisy | Sunflower | G2 | W | |||||||||||||||||
Erigeron zothecinus | Alcove daisy | Sunflower | G1 | ||||||||||||||||||
Eriogonum aretioides | Widtsoe buckwheat | Buckwheat | G2 | W | |||||||||||||||||
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Eriogonum brevicaule var. loganum | Logan buckwheat | Buckwheat | G4T2 |
W | ||||||||||||||||
Eriogonum corymbosum var. cronquistii | Cronquist's buckwheat | Buckwheat | |||||||||||||||||||
Eriogonum corymbosum var. smithii | Flat Top buckwheat | Buckwheat | G1 (as Eriogonum smithii) | H | |||||||||||||||||
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Eriogonum mitophyllum | Lost Creek wild buckwheat | Buckwheat | G1 | exH | ||||||||||||||||
Eriogonum natum | Son's or Mark's wild buckwheat | Buckwheat | G3 | H | |||||||||||||||||
Eriogonum nummulare var. ammophilum | Ibex buckwheat | Buckwheat | |||||||||||||||||||
Eriogonum ostlundii | Elsinore buckwheat | Buckwheat | G3Q | M | |||||||||||||||||
Eriogonum pharnaceoides var. cervinum | Wirestem buckwheat | Buckwheat | G4T3 (T2/T3 equivalent in Utah; NatureServe state rank: S2S3) | M | |||||||||||||||||
Eriogonum phoeniceum | Scarlet buckwheat | Buckwheat | G1Q | ||||||||||||||||||
Eriogonum racemosum var. nobile | Bluff buckwheat | Buckwheat | |||||||||||||||||||
Eriogonum racemosum var. zionis | Zion buckwheat | Buckwheat | |||||||||||||||||||
Eriogonum soredium | Frisco buckwheat | Buckwheat | G1 formerly C 02/23/11, removed 12/19/18 |
H | |||||||||||||||||
Euphorbia nephradenia | Utah spurge | Spurge | G2 | ||||||||||||||||||
Festuca dasyclada | Utah fescue | Grass | |||||||||||||||||||
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Frasera ackermaniae | Ackerman's green gentian | Gentian | G1 | exH | ||||||||||||||||
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Frasera gypsicola | White River swertia | Gentian | G1 | W | ||||||||||||||||
Gutierrezia pomariensis | Orchard snakeweed | Sunflower | G2 | W | |||||||||||||||||
Hackelia ibapensis | Deep Creek stickseed | Borage | G1 | H | |||||||||||||||||
Haplopappus crispus | Pine Valley goldenbush | Sunflower | G2 (Ericameria crispa) |
Haplopappus zionis (to be changed to Ericameria zionis) |
Cedar Breaks goldenbush | Sunflower | G2 (Ericameria zionis) |
W | |||||||||||||||||
Hedysarum occidentale var. canone | Coal-cliffs sweetvetch | Pea | G5T2 | W | |||||||||||||||||
Heterotheca jonesii | Jones goldenaster | Sunflower | G2 | W | |||||||||||||||||
Hoffmannseggia repens | Creeping rush-pea | Pea | G2 | L | |||||||||||||||||
Hymenoxys lapidicola | Rock hymenoxys | Sunflower | G1Q | ||||||||||||||||||
Ipomopsis spicata subsp. tridactyla | Tushar gilia | Phlox | G5T2 |
H | |||||||||||||||||
Iris pariensis
(will probably be removed since type was likely a waif of Iris missouriensis) |
Paria iris | Iris | exH | ||||||||||||||||||
Isocoma humilis
(syn. Haplopappus leverichii) |
Zion jimmyweed; Canyon goldenweed | Sunflower | GH
(it is highly unlikely that this species is extinct) |
N | |||||||||||||||||
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Ivesia shockleyi var. ostleri | Ostler's Ivesia, Wah Wah Ivesia | Rose | G3G4T1 | H | ||||||||||||||||
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Ivesia utahensis | Utah Ivesia | Rose | G2 | W | ||||||||||||||||
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Jamesia americana var. macrocalyx
Treated also as a quadnomial: Jamesia americana subsp. californica var. macrocalyx (Holmgren 1989, Cronquist 1997) |
Wasatch Jamesia | Saxifrage | G5T2 | H | ||||||||||||||||
Jamesia americana var. zionis
Treated also as a quadnomial: Jamesia americana subsp. californica var. zionis (Holmgren 1989, Cronquist 1997) |
Zion Jamesia | Saxifrage | G5T2 | W | |||||||||||||||||
Jamesia tetrapetala | Four-petal Jamesia | Saxifrage | G2 | ||||||||||||||||||
Lepidium barnebyanum | Barneby's peppergrass | Mustard | G1 LE 9/28/90 |
exH | |||||||||||||||||
Lepidium huberi | Huber's pepperplant | Mustard | G1G2 | ||||||||||||||||||
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Lepidium montanum var. alpinum | Alpine pepperplant | Mustard | G5?T1 | H | ||||||||||||||||
Lepidium montanum var. claronense | Claron pepperplant | Mustard | G5?T1? | W | |||||||||||||||||
Lepidium montanum var. neeseae | Neese's pepperplant | Mustard | G5?T2 | W | |||||||||||||||||
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Lepidium ostleri | Ostler's pepperplant | Mustard | G1 formerly C 02/23/11, removed 12/19/18 |
H | ||||||||||||||||
Lomatium graveolens var. clarkii | Clark's lomatium | Parsley | G5?T? | W | |||||||||||||||||
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Lomatium latilobum | Canyonlands lomatium | Parsley | G1 | H | ||||||||||||||||
Lupinus caudatus var. cutleri | Cutler's lupine | Pea | G5T2 | ||||||||||||||||||
Lygodesmia grandiflora var. doloresensis
Appears to be a Colorado endemic with the name misapplied to Utah populations. |
Dolores rushpink | Sunflower | G1G2 (L. doloresensis) |
Excluded | |||||||||||||||||
Lygodesmia grandiflora var. entrada | Entrada rushpink | Sunflower | G1Q (L. entrada) |
exH | |||||||||||||||||
Mentzelia argillosa | Arapien stickleaf | Stickleaf | G2 | exH | |||||||||||||||||
Mentzelia goodrichii | Goodrich's blazingstar | Stickleaf | G1 | exH | |||||||||||||||||
Mentzelia multicaulis var librina
More recently treated as Mentzelia librina |
Horse Canyon stickleaf | Stickleaf | G2 (as M. librina formerly G1) |
H | |||||||||||||||||
Mentzelia shultziorum | Shultz stickleaf | Stickleaf | G1 | H | |||||||||||||||||
Musineon lineare | Wasatch musineon | Parsley | G2 | W | |||||||||||||||||
Najas caespitosa
(treated in FNA as Najas flexilis but we believe that N. flexilis var. caespitosa is at a minimum appropriate - believed to be extinct) |
Fish Lake naiad | Naiad | G5SNR | X | |||||||||||||||||
Oenothera cespitosa var. stellae | Stella's evening primrose | Evening primrose | NR | H | |||||||||||||||||
Oenothera flava var. acutissima | Large yellow evening primrose | Evening primrose | G2 | M | |||||||||||||||||
Oenothera murdockii | Murdock's evening primrose | Evening primrose | G2 | H | |||||||||||||||||
Oreoxis bakeri | Baker's oreoxis | Parsley | G3? | H | |||||||||||||||||
Oreoxis trotteri | Trotter's Oreoxis | Parsley | G2 | H | |||||||||||||||||
Papaver radicatum var. pygmaeum | Alpine poppy | Poppy | |||||||||||||||||||
Parrya rydbergii | Uinta parrya | Mustard | |||||||||||||||||||
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Pediocactus despainii
COMPARE P. winkleri to P. despainii |
Despain's cactus | Cactus | G2 LE 9/16/87 |
exH | ||||||||||||||||
Pediocactus peeblesianus subsp. fickeiseniae
Fickeisen's Navajo cactus | Cactus | G1 LE 10/31/13 |
exH | |||||||||||||||||
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Pediocactus sileri | Gypsum cactus | Cactus | LE 11/26/79 reclassified LT 12/27/93 | H | ||||||||||||||||
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Pediocactus winkleri
COMPARE P. winkleri to P. despainii |
Winkler's cactus | Cactus | G2 LT 8/20/98 |
exH | ||||||||||||||||
Pediomelum aromaticum var. barnebyi | Barneby's breadroot | Pea | G3T? | ||||||||||||||||||
Pediomelum aromaticum var. tuhyi | Tuhy's breadroot | Pea | G3T? | W | |||||||||||||||||
Pediomelum epipsilum | Kane breadroot | Pea | G4?T1 (P. megalanthum var. epipsilum) |
W | |||||||||||||||||
Pediomelum pariense | Paria breadroot | Pea | G2 | W | |||||||||||||||||
Penstemon abietinus | Firleaf penstemon | Figwort (Snapdragon) | G2? | ||||||||||||||||||
Penstemon acaulis var. acaulis | Stemless penstemon | Figwort | G2TNR | ||||||||||||||||||
Penstemon albifluvis
White River penstemon | Figwort | G4T1 C NOR 11/28/83,C/PT 8/06/13,withdrawn 8/06/14,C/PT 10/25/16 court vacated 8/6/14 withdrawal, C/PT withdrawn 1/13/22 |
exH | |||||||||||||||||
Penstemon ammophilus | Sandloving penstemon | Figwort | G2 | W | |||||||||||||||||
Penstemon angustifolius var. dulcis | Sweet penstemon | Figwort | G5T2 | M | |||||||||||||||||
Penstemon bracteatus | Platy penstemon | Figwort | G2 | W | |||||||||||||||||
Penstemon caespitosus var. suffruticosus | Tushar penstemon | Figwort | G2Q (P. tusharensis) |
W | |||||||||||||||||
Penstemon compactus | Mt. Naomi penstemon | Figwort | G2 | W | |||||||||||||||||
Penstemon duchesnensis
Background information: Two Under the Radar (URPM March 2010 presentation) |
Duchesne penstemon | Figwort | G4G5T1T2 (P. dolius var. duchesnensis) |
W | |||||||||||||||||
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Penstemon flowersii
Background information: Two Under the Radar (URPM March 2010 presentation) |
Flowers' penstemon | Figwort | G1 | exH | ||||||||||||||||
Penstemon franklinii | Franklin's penstemon | Figwort | G1 | W | |||||||||||||||||
Penstemon gibbensii | Gibbens' penstemon | Figwort | G1 | exH | |||||||||||||||||
Penstemon goodrichii | Goodrich's penstemon | Figwort | G2 | H | |||||||||||||||||
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Penstemon grahamii | Graham's penstemon | Figwort | G2 C NOR 11/28/83 EM 10/08/02, removed as C/PT 12/19/06, restored to PT informally 6/9/11,C/PT 8/06/13,withdrawn 8/06/14, C/PT 10/25/16 court vacated 8/6/14 withdrawal, C/PT withdrawn 1/13/22 |
exH | ||||||||||||||||
Penstemon idahoensis | Idaho penstemon | Figwort | G2 | W | |||||||||||||||||
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Penstemon navajoa | Navajo Mountain penstemon | Figwort | G1 | W | ||||||||||||||||
Penstemon parvus | Aquarius penstemon | Figwort | G2 | ||||||||||||||||||
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Penstemon petiolatus | Crevice penstemon | Figwort | G2G3 | W | ||||||||||||||||
Penstemon pinorum | Pinyon penstemon | Figwort | G1 | H | |||||||||||||||||
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Penstemon scariosus var. cyanomontanus
| Blue Mountain penstemon | Figwort | G4T2 | W | ||||||||||||||||
Penstemon tidestromii | Tidestrom's penstemon | Figwort | G2G3 | H | |||||||||||||||||
Penstemon wardii | Ward's penstemon | Figwort | G2G3 | H | |||||||||||||||||
Perityle specuicola
More recently treated as Laphamia specuicola |
Alcove rock-daisy | Sunflower | G1 | W | |||||||||||||||||
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Petalonyx parryi | Parry's petalonyx | Stickleaf | G2G3 | H | ||||||||||||||||
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Phacelia argillacea | Clay phacelia | Waterleaf | G1 LE 9/28/78 |
exH | ||||||||||||||||
Phacelia argylensis | Argyle Canyon phacelia | Waterleaf | G1? | exH | |||||||||||||||||
Phacelia cronquistiana | Cronquist's phacelia | Waterleaf | G1 | H | |||||||||||||||||
Phacelia howelliana | Howell's phacelia | Waterleaf | G2 | ||||||||||||||||||
Phacelia hughesii | Waterleaf | exH | |||||||||||||||||||
Phacelia indecora | Bluff phacelia | Waterleaf | G1 | H | |||||||||||||||||
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Phacelia pulchella var. atwoodii | Atwood's pretty phacelia | Waterleaf | G5T1 | H | ||||||||||||||||
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Phacelia sabulonum | Pavement phacelia | Waterleaf | G2 |
H | ||||||||||||||||
Phacelia utahensis | Utah phacelia | Waterleaf | G2 | exH | |||||||||||||||||
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Phlox cluteana | Navajo Mountain phlox | Phlox | G2 | M | ||||||||||||||||
Phlox opalensis | Bridger Basin phlox | Phlox | G3 | ||||||||||||||||||
Physaria garrettii | Garrett's bladderpod | Mustard | G2 | W | |||||||||||||||||
Physaria lepidota var. membranacea | Lepidote twinpod | Mustard | G3T2? | Nr | |||||||||||||||||
Physaria stylosa | Duchesne River twinpod | Mustard | G1 | ||||||||||||||||||
Physaria tumulosa | Kodachrome bladderpod | Mustard | G3 LE 11/5/93 (as Lesquerella tumulosa) |
H | |||||||||||||||||
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Platanthera zothecina | Alcove bog-orchid | Orchid | G2 | W | ||||||||||||||||
Podistera eastwoodiae | Eastwood podistera | Parsley | G3 | W | |||||||||||||||||
Potentilla angelliae | Angell's cinquefoil | Rose | G1 | W | |||||||||||||||||
Potentilla cottamii | Cottam's cinquefoil | Rose | G1 | M | |||||||||||||||||
Potentilla paucijuga | La Sal cinquefoil | Rose | NR | H | |||||||||||||||||
Primula domensis | House Range primrose | Primrose | G1 | H | |||||||||||||||||
Primula maguirei | Maguire's primrose | Primrose | G1 LT 8/21/85 |
H | |||||||||||||||||
Proatriplex pleiantha | Four-corners orach | Goosefoot | G3 | W | |||||||||||||||||
Psorothamnus polydenius var. jonesii | Jones indigo bush | Pea | G5T1T2 | ||||||||||||||||||
Psorothamnus thompsoniae var. whitingii | Whiting's indigo-bush | Pea | G3?T2 | ||||||||||||||||||
Ranunculus aestivalis | Autumn butterup | Buttercup | G1 LE 7/21/89 |
exH | |||||||||||||||||
Salix arizonica | Arizona willow | Willow | G2 | W | |||||||||||||||||
Salvia columbariae var. argillacea | Chinle chia | Mint | G5TNR | exH | |||||||||||||||||
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Schoenocrambe argillacea | Clay schoenocrambe | Mustard | G1 LT 1/14/92 |
exH | ||||||||||||||||
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Schoenocrambe barnebyi | Barneby's schoenocrambe | Mustard | G1 LE 1/14/92 |
exH | ||||||||||||||||
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Schoenocrambe suffrutescens | Shrubby reed-mustard | Mustard | G1 (as Glaucocarpum suffrutescens) LE 10/6/87 (as Glaucocarpum suffrutescens but changed to Schoenocrambe on 1/14/92 57 FR 1398) |
exH | ||||||||||||||||
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Sclerocactus blainei | Blaine's little barrel cactus | Cactus | G2S1 | exH | ||||||||||||||||
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Sclerocactus brevispinus
COMPARE S.brevispinus, S. glaucus (does not occur in Utah) and S. wetlandicus |
Pariette cactus | Cactus | G1 LT 9/15/09 (under S. glaucus since 10/11/79) Note: a positive 12-month finding issued 9/18/2007 found that LE status was appropriate, but remained in limbo as warranted by precluded, until that finding was withdrawn on 5/3/22; the species continues to be listed as threatened. |
exH | ||||||||||||||||
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Sclerocactus wetlandicus | Uinta basin hookless cactus | Cactus | G2 LT 9/15/09 (under S. glaucus since 10/11/79) |
exH | ||||||||||||||||
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Sclerocactus wrightiae
COMPARE S. wrightiae and S. parviflorus, two unrelated species that are sometimes confused with one another |
Wright's little barrel cactus; Dorde's cactus | Cactus | G2 LE 10/11/79 |
exH | ||||||||||||||||
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Selaginella utahensis | Utah spikemoss | Spikemoss | G2G3 | W | ||||||||||||||||
Senecio castoreus
To be changed to Packera castoreus |
Beaver Mountain groundsel | Sunflower | G1 (Packera castoreus) |
H | |||||||||||||||||
Senecio fremontii var. inexpectatus
Will remain under Senecio. Still being treated as a variety pending additional research. |
Dwarf mountain groundsel | Sunflower | G5T1 | H | |||||||||||||||||
Senecio malmstenii
To be changed to Packera malmstenii |
Podunk groundsel | Sunflower | G1 (Packera malmstenii) |
H | |||||||||||||||||
Senecio musiniensis
To be changed to Packera musiniensis |
Musiena groundsel | Sunflower | G1 | H | |||||||||||||||||
Silene petersonii | Maguire's campion | Pink | G2G3 | M | |||||||||||||||||
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Sphaeralcea caespitosa var. caespitosa | Jones globemallow | Mallow | G2T2 | W | ||||||||||||||||
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Sphaeralcea fumariensis | Smokey Mountain mallow | Mallow | G2 | H | ||||||||||||||||
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Sphaeralcea gierischii | Gierisch's globemallow | Mallow | G1 LE 9/12/13 (C CNOR 12/10/08) |
exH | ||||||||||||||||
Sphaeralcea janeae | Jane's globemallow | Mallow | G2 | H | |||||||||||||||||
Sphaeralcea psoraloides | Psoralea globemallow | Mallow | G3 | H | |||||||||||||||||
Sphaeromeria capitata | Head sphaeromeria | Sunflower | G3 | M | |||||||||||||||||
Sphaeromeria ruthiae | Ruth's sphaeromeria | Sunflower | G2 | W | |||||||||||||||||
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Spiranthes diluvialis | Ute lady's tresses | Orchid | G2 LT 1/17/92 |
H | ||||||||||||||||
Stephanomeria occultata | Sunflower | G1 | exH | ||||||||||||||||||
Stephanomeria tenuifolia var. uintaensis (questionable taxon) |
Uinta wirelettuce | Sunflower | G5T1 (S. minor var. uintaensis) |
W | |||||||||||||||||
Talinum thompsonii (name will be changed to Phemeranthus thompsonii) |
Thompson's talinum | Purslane | G1 | H | |||||||||||||||||
Terraria haydenii | Hayden's mustard | Mustard | G1 | exH | |||||||||||||||||
Tetradymia canescens var. thorneae | Sunflower | exH | |||||||||||||||||||
Thelesperma subnudum var. maliterrimum | Tavaputs greenthread | Sunflower | G1SNR | ||||||||||||||||||
Thelesperma windhamii Included under T. subnudum by FNA |
Alpine greenthread | Sunflower | G5T2 (T. subnudum var. alpinum) |
M | |||||||||||||||||
Thelypodiopsis ambigua var. erecta | Kanab thelypody | Mustard | G2G3 | ||||||||||||||||||
Townsendia aprica | Last chance townsendia | Sunflower | G2 LT 8/21/85 |
exH | |||||||||||||||||
Townsendia goodrichii | Sherel's Townsendia | Sunflower | G1 | H | |||||||||||||||||
Townsendia jonesii var. lutea | Sigurd townsendia | Sunflower | G4T2 | H | |||||||||||||||||
Townsendia montana var. caelilinensis | Skyline townsendia | Sunflower | G4T2T3 (T. alpigena var. caelilinensis) |
W | |||||||||||||||||
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Trifolium friscanum | Frisco clover | Pea | G1 formerly C 02/23/11, removed 12/19/18 |
H | ||||||||||||||||
Trifolium variegatum var. parunuweapensis
Included more recently within the concept of T. mucronatum subsp. lacerum, synonymous in turn with Trifolium wormskioldii var. arizonicum. |
Sand seep clover; Kane white-tip clover | Pea | none | exH | |||||||||||||||||
Viguiera soliceps (name will be changed to Heliomeris soliceps) |
Tropic goldeneye | Sunflower | G2 (Heliomeris soliceps) |
H | |||||||||||||||||
Viola beckwithii var. cachensis
2010 presentation: In search of Beckwith's violet [in Utah] and the discovery at Red Butte Garden |
Beckwith's violet (Shoshone violet) | Violet | G4S2 recommended: G4T1S1 |
H | |||||||||||||||||
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Viola charlestonensis | Charleston Mountain violet | Violet | G3Q | W | ||||||||||||||||
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Viola clauseniana | Clausen's violet | Violet | G1 | exH | ||||||||||||||||
Viola frank-smithii | Frank Smith's violet | Violet | G1 | W | |||||||||||||||||
Xylorhiza cronquistii | Cronquist's woodyaster | Composite | G1Q | H | |||||||||||||||||
Xylorhiza glabriuscula var. linearifolia | Moab woodyaster | Sunflower | G4T1T2 | H | |||||||||||||||||
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Yucca sterilis | Sterile yucca | Agave | G4G5T1T2 (as Yucca harrimaniae var. sterilis) |
exH | ||||||||||||||||
Zigadenus vaginatus | Alcove death camas | Lily | G2 | M |